If there was ever any doubt about Matt Lauer being hen-pecked, there is no more. Matt’s second son was born yesterday, and he was given the puzzling moniker Thijs. His other kids, Jack and Romy, enjoy pronouncable names. Speculation of problems between Matt and his model wife Annette Roque have bounced around for years, but this last pregnancy seemed to put them to rest . Matt was rumored to have a roving eye and as a result Annette held all the power in the relationship. In other words, she is the alpha dog. And it sure looks like Matt is bending over backwards to please his wife and keep their union intact. He even allowed her to give their son a weird name as a tribute to her Dutch heritage.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Cloggy: You have your Dutch vowel sounds correct, however, Matt, himself said that they are pronouncing it like TICE, not TACE.
And Janet…..seriously. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you ever even READ real celeb news or watch it on television? When you make up this lame crap and try to pass it off as the truth, you completely disrespect your readers. I don’t mean to be rude to you, really, I don’t. But your stories are sl blatantly inaccurate that reading them insults my intelligence. Any hack who watches ET knows more than you seem to know. If you’re going to be an entertainment blogger, then you really need to do your homework and stop treating your readers as though they are too ignorant to know bullcrap when they see it.
Hey Cloogy,
Good point! Apple and Rumor are pretentiuos asshole Hollywood names. I think Holland is a lovely place and can’t wait to go back. What did you expect of most Americans, the only thing they know of Holland is that you can buy weed there.
Cloggy by Marriage
Like the other posters said, it’s a DUTCH name- a shortening of the name Matthijs, which is Dutch for Matthew. I just hate how the blogging world is insulting an entire nation (16 million people in this little country!!) by making fun of this name… ’cause “Apple” and “Rumour” are such better names for kids, because you know how to pronounce them??
And the pronunciation is more like “Tace” then “Tice”. The combination of i j in Dutch is referred to as a “long a” sound… so the name is pronounced like “Tace” – rhymes with pace, race, mace, space…
Queen B
Lauer is a blockhead dolt who stepped in shit with Today. He’s so dull he makes vanilla seem exotic. Probably a dud in the sack too!
Well I know for a fact that Matt had an affair with Lisa Mesloh who is now married to John O’Hurley. Lisa was working at the Golf Channel years ago and she would do anything to get her hooks into a rich celebrity…she did with Matt for quite awhile while he was married…not sure what happened then…however she ended up marrying John…not quite in Matt’s league but a celebrity none the less.
The more I read this website, the more it seems Janet just likes to stir the pot. I’m not hearing anything credible here and it just makes her sound like ‘sour’ grapes. Almost time to hit the other websites instead…
Janet, you sound like a total hick. Please tell me you didn’t write that.
I thought they were divorcing? I’m totally confused.
So long as the baby is healthy….. who cares?
Thijs is a nickname for Matthijs, which is Dutch for Matthew. Seems like she is honoring her husband to me…
Anyone have any news on the relationship of the new Bachelor and the girl he picked? That would be Lorenzo and Jen, for those who don’t watch the show. ABC is very mum on it, which leads me to believe they’ve broken up already.
Once a cheat always a cheat.
didn’t she file for divorce just a few months ago, while pregnant, but changed her mind??
git wit yer facts janet.
How can she be an “alpha dog” if her husband cheats on her?
She risks STDs and being left for another woman.
He is so henpecked.
fern in ojai
Janet you are so off on this one. He ALLOWED her? This is not 1950 dear. Husbands don’t have to ALLOW their wives to choose a name. Wake up Janet Van Winkle, the year is 2006.
“weird name”?! Janet, it’s DUTCH and not used very often in the USA. That doesn’t make it weird. It’s also very easy to pronounce. Thijs sounds like Tice.