We’re betting that females won’t be the only people considering lawsuits against Charlie Sheen for not disclosing that he was infected with HIV before they had sex. If we remember correctly, during his heaviest drug addled days he requested the services of prostitutes of both sexes. Sometimes more than one at a time. To be honest, we’re not sure if they have a case, because isn’t it up to each individual to protect his or herself? And the question has come up: Is it actually against the law in California not to reveal HIV status to sex partners? Our BIGGEST mystery is: Why didn’t Matt Lauer ask Charlie if he had sex with men?”
Photo: Today Show
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Why is Hillary not asked point blank about her lesbianism? Birds of a feather?
when hollywood stars are drunk they do all kind of weird things.
When will Hillary Clinton be asked about her lesbianism?
Oh Shianne… You’re on to something! Yup, I’m sure the Enquirer is working to find at least one of Sheen’s pre-op transsexual lovers. Apparently, he and his wife Brooke had orgies with both men and women. OF COURSE we know that Sheen got HIV from a man on top. PLEASE. : )
Bucky M
Thanks Bluejay. I was in the process of developing a complex.
Gosh, today I was following threads, and came upon Jenny McCarthy who’s got her undies in a bunch . Why are her undies in a bunch? Because she played Charlie’s love interest on Two.5 Men intermittently for a few years. She’s worried about getting HIV. Because she played opposite him. Beyond twit. Beyond stupid. This is the brainless one against vaccinations. Well, unless there’s something she’s not telling us.
Bucky, I had the same problem until I upgraded software.
It’s not you.
Surely CS was/IS the topic of interest to Janet’s “Who Dunnit”
I’m waiting for the National Enquirer to find male partner/ partners Charlie’s been with. Stay tuned.
Bucky M
Gee, I must have been bad. You won’t print my other comment on Charlie Sheen.
Bucky M
Charlie made his condition public after most people already knew or guessed. His motive wasn’t to tell his countless sex partners but to declare himself the victim.
According to Sheen, his little ole HIV status doesn’t even show up on testing. Bless his heart. Reverend Sheen has already told those pitiful few that he made love to that he is HIV but his HIV is invisible to testing.
The very thought that Rev. Sheen wouldn’t divulge his disease to potential sex partners……well, the thought is maddening!
I suspect that some of the whores that are currently coming forward in praise of Charlie Sheen are being paid by him as well.
Don’t you think there were ground rules for the interview such as no specifics on drugs and sex with men?
Because like so many interviews, they have to be so PC and play the game. I read rumors Charlie’s favorite type to sleep with was pre-op transsexuals. Matt danced around the use of drugs too, and who believed Charlie that he never used needles. The whole thing was a waste of time and made me nervous, listening to him stutter and squirm. Now he will be the poster boy for HIV and nobody will actually say you should be in jail for not divulging your status to the people you slept with.
Lauer didn’t ask cuz he’s probably one of them.
What does Hillary’s closeted ass have to do with Charlie Sheen’s neglect to tell the women and men he slept with that he is HIV positive. Nothing to do with that lesbian. At the very least, stay on topic. You can manage that, right?
When will Hillary Clinton be asked about how often she has sex w/ women?
Charlie is a shit
If you have a potentially deadly disease it is up to YOU to tell your partner. Intentionally exposing someone to HIV is ASSAULT. He should go to jail. I don’t care if these girls are sluts, it’s still his responsibility to tell them.
Kim St Clood
Lauer is glib
Just viewed a partial of the interview. OMG! That Matt Lauer is totally creepy! Like a creepy version of someone’s idea of Dr. Freud. Really, who’d want to f____ him? Tales of his extra-marital romances must be greatly exaggerated.
Charlie: Apparent brain damage. Cannot speak without gross stuttering. Unable to form sentences. Limited thinking capability.
Must be a combination of drugs/alcohol/whatever. Sad.
He’ll need multipe ghost writers if he’s planning any kind of memoir.