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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Marla Maples, 57, recently moved from New York to Florida to be closer to her unfortunately named daughter Tiffany Trump, 27, and posted this photo of them together enjoying the Miami sunset. Tiffany got her law degree from Georgetown U, and she and her fiancee Michael Boulos recently moved to Miami (to be near the rest of her family?) Boulos grew up in Nigeria where his father is a mega-millionaire with multiple businesses. It’s easy to see why Donald Trump fell for the beautiful Marla Maples (they divorced in 1999 and she got NO alimony!) and rather surprising that SHE is still single…

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Whoopi Silverberg

    What kind of women would sleep wiith Trump?

  2. Hilary Grant

    Maples may not have received alimony from Trump but here’s betting that she got a very generous payoff for signing a NDA, and of course, tons of child support for Tiffany. I mean, how has she made her living? Wonder why she’s really moving to Florida? That would put her much closer to her own family in Georgia. Also, I think her marriage to Trump was a nightmare, which is a very good reason to never want to remarry!!!!!

  3. Cheerio

    Say what you want about Donald, but his ex wives and children are unconditionally loyal to him.

    And I agree Marla is very nice looking but Tiffany got beat with the ugly stick.

    And for the record Tiffany Trump is a great name!

  4. Strom

    Marla is a babe……Tiffany is a woofer!