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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Nice to see Mark Zuckerberg spiffed up in a navy suit and tie, appropriate to his position as CEO of Facebook. He was probably the most famous of the 50 or so CEO’s from the world’s biggest tech firms who showed up at the Tech For Good summit in Paris. French President Emmanuel Macron, who is very tech savvy, arranged the summit because he believes that with power comes social responsibility. He emphasized that he welcomes innovation but also regulation and working for the common good. As automation replaces jobs he wants employers to be responsible for retraining employees and focusing on the most at-risk segment of the population. Hopefully he planted some seeds of conscience…

Above, Mark Zuckerberg, far left with 3 other guys

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Kait

    A suite and tie are hardly “appropriate” for a tech CEO. He’d be laughed off campus if he wore that getup to Facebook.

    People: When you set up an account with any tech company, accept the fact that none of the info you enter there will be private. It’s not “evil,” it’s just the new world order. Get used to it.

  2. lightening

    he listened the Chicago song over & over again?

  3. Jody

    Just another average Jewish fellow.