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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mark Wahlberg is feeling the heat. Just when he thought his life was perfect there’s a wrench in the works. He and his longtime girlfriend Rhea Durham and their two children Ella, 3, and Michael,1, have been living together in the big house he bought in Beverly Hills – in unmarried bliss. Rhea loves the house but it turns out she’s not happy – she wants a wedding ring. Mark is content the way things are. Rhea has talked about moving out with the kids and even dropped a few hints about “palimony” if Mark doesn’t want to get married. Wahlberg is squirming under the pressure and he’s particularly annoyed because many of his friends are saying “Rhea’s right – you SHOULD get married!”

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  1. Gloria Goodman

    Nobody should be pressured into getting married, and she could have taken the pill … twice!! I’ve read Mark wants to wait until they know a marriage is going to last. He might have to wait a long time because I don’t think anybody can ever be sure their marriage is going to last. I’m a huge fan of his & I’m not sure how ‘real’ the above article is anyway. Mind you he did leave her when his 1st baby was about 3-4 months old & she took him back! Maybe he should marry her!!! But get a prenup Mark …

  2. Mz. Hollywood

    Well, I think the real truth will come out what’s going on, I really do. There is obvious a damn good reason he has not married her. I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t either. Mark can do much better and maybe there is someone else he’d rather marry. Who knows, but in time I think the truth will come out πŸ˜‰ Just wait and see πŸ˜‰

  3. Anonymous

    Grow up and Stand up, Wahlberg. What kind of behavior is that for an Irish Catholic guy from Dorchester.
    If you have committment problems see someone that can help you. This is the real world, not “Entourage.” You have a gorgeous chick and and two beautiful children. Stupid. Stupid…..

  4. Del

    Grow up and Stand up, Wahlberg. What kind of behavior is that for an Irish Catholic guy from Dorchester.
    If you have committment problems see someone that can help you. This is the real world, not “Entourage.” You have a gorgeous chick and a beautiful children. Stupid. Stupid…..

  5. Anonymous

    What is with these men having babies, a live in girlfriend but don’t want to marry.
    Have her sign a pre-nup and place a ring on her finger…
    well yeah you’re right .. he’s already locked in for child support and alimony if he doesn’t marry her so why not get hitched anyways eh ? =)

  6. Atia

    What is with these men having babies, a live in girlfriend but don’t want to marry.
    Have her sign a pre-nup and place a ring on her finger…

  7. Anonymous

    “He should step up and do the right thing by his “girlfriend” and his children.
    If not, she should find a real man who will appreciate her and her children.”
    a real man ? he has her living in a house in beverly hills .. lives with her and his kids who are surely well taken care but he’s not a real man ? I really don’t like stupid people

  8. Anonymous

    “How awful. Let’s pop a good looking woman, make some kids, and then balk when she wants it to be a more permanant state of affairs. Women should not give it up to these guys (in the first place)without a commitment.”
    he lives with her and has 2 kids with her, yet you’re saying he’s NOT committed to her ?? I really don’t like stupid people

  9. Anonymous

    If she’s using the “palimony” threat – maybe she’s in it for the wrong reasons anyway. It’s just a piece of paper. If she did leave – he’s a good guy (no matter his looks) & would totally take care of her & the children & she knows that, so why throw that card out there?

  10. LDS

    does anyone really care if he marries or not…maybe she trapped him,..I think hes totally hot, and he’ll be over her soon, if hes not already, kids or not!this is coming from a mother and wife!

  11. Anonymous

    Yes, I too agree with Anonymous 4:o5. He wants his cake to to eat it too. He’s s short little guy in person, talented albeit and seems nice and she’s pretty and the mother of his children. I hope he doesn’t blow it. He’ll regret it and she’ll bewith someone else.

  12. Anonymous

    Palamony? She doesn’t deserve a thing. He has spent time with her just as much as she with him. Who the hel does this woman think she is? This is the reason why most guys avoid marriage. If she is like this now think what she will be in 2-3 years. One more money hungry losser with kids fom a guy who does not want to commit. Just because he had kids does not entitle a woman to force a man to marry. He could really do better, I can’t say the same for her.

  13. Anonymous

    This guy is so gross. He’s Boston white trash. I say she should marry him, stay awhile, divorce him and clean up in the cash department!

  14. Anonymous

    He should step up and do the right thing by his “girlfriend” and his children.
    If not, she should find a real man who will appreciate her and her children.

  15. Anonymous

    gave him two kids? what do bet he didn’t ask for them? here’s a little taste of the conversation they had when marky found out he was being “given” his first child. “what, your pregent. but you said you were on the pill.” second gift of a child. “what, your pregnant again you said you were going to take the pill correctly from now on.”

  16. The Fabulous- Miss Zelinka's Mommie

    I have to agree with anonymous 10:42 a.m. She gave him two kids and he doesn’t want to marry- she needs to leave. I think he looks like a chimpanzee but whatever. Girlfriend is getting the raw end of the deal here. He obviously isn’t a stand up kind of guy and that’s sad knowing he came from South Boston and changed his life- I expected him to be more responsible.

  17. Anonymous

    god, the ammount of venom people out there have for women and their children is really sickening.

  18. Anonymous

    She needs to get some self-esteem. If he doesn’t want to marry her and she wants to be married then she needs to move on to find the man who DOES want to commit to her. As someone else said – he’s just not that into her. Frankly, if he didn’t marry her the first time she got pregnant chances are he is NEVER going to marry her. What kind of marriage would it be anyway if the only reason he caves is because she threatens to take him to the financial cleaners. For some of these Hollywood woman, the goal is to be the WIFE of a famous actor. It’s not about marriage for love but a title on their resume of life. I guess she is embarrased because she popped out those kids and he’s still not interested in giving her the honor of being his wife.

  19. fred

    what is everyone’s problem with marriage? some say he isn’t ready for marriage??? mark has been dating this woman for years, has two children with her and they live together quite comfortably. his girlfriend is right, if he isn’t ready for marriage after all she has given to him..he might not ever be. its just totally immature and selfish on his part. marriage is a commitment, and yes it lends more stability to a relationship and family than does just shacking up and leaving his options open to dump her at his whim for some whore. why is everyone against marriage now? the people who say that are dumb. in an ideal situation, you have a man and woman who love each other and make a promise to each other that they will love each other whatever good times and difficulties life brings. sure, there are a lot of people out there in hollywierd who treat marriage like its a disposable fast food meal. just because marriage doesnt work out for some doesnt mean that marriage is bad.
    he needs to do the right thing and be a real man.

  20. Elizabeth Taylor

    How awful. Let’s pop a good looking woman, make some kids, and then balk when she wants it to be a more permanant state of affairs. Women should not give it up to these guys (in the first place)without a commitment.

  21. girly

    What difference does a piece of paper provide? We all treat marriage like it is the savior of failing relationships, and the ultimate institution. They have been together for this long, had a successful relationship and children without it, what purpose would a piece of paper serve now?

  22. Anonymous

    Don’t you think the kids deserve a mom and dad who are married? Grow up, Mark. You’ve brought two kids into the world, now give them a real family unit!

  23. Mimi

    I totally agree with anonymous 9:31. She’s been with him how long? Listen up girlfriend, if you haven’t learned anything about him in all those years you’ve been together, you have your nose up your butt. Face it, he’s just “not that into you”. Next time get the ring before the kid. Not trying to be mean, just realistic. If he doesn’t want to marry you, don’t push it. Move on or just live with it. Marriage does not guarantee happiess!

  24. Anonymous

    He could move to all the states he wants to with a “no palimony” law. You have two kids with someone you’re paying top dollar. Let this be a lesson, don’t make babies if you’re not willing to be a single mom. If you want a husband, get the ring first and then pop out the kids.

  25. Anonymous

    The problem is he thinks he is cute.
    He is an average guy at best- girlie could do better.

  26. Anonymous

    Why would you want to marry someone who obviously isnt into it? She’s pretty and unless she has some disability I’m not aware of, is still healthy enough to go out and earn her OWN goddamn living. The ultimate punishment for him would be to leave and LET HIM KEEP THE KIDS!

  27. Anonymous

    sell the house move to a state with no palimony laws and kick that needy broad to the curb. your rich you’ll find someone younger and better looking.

  28. Anonymous

    ya, ya 4:05 I totally agree.
    He’s fug. I have never seen his appeal–beyond his calvin klein ab days. He looks like he needs a good scrubbing all the time.

  29. nightlight

    right on Anonymous 4:05. Exactly right.

  30. Anonymous

    Oy vey. Marky mark is a moron. If he doesn’t want to get married, why did he have TWO kids with her? She should hit him with palimony and end it. He’ll never be a good father if he won’t commit to the mother of his kids.

  31. Anonymous

    What’s with people and that stupid little piece of paper??!! If things are good…and neither party cheats…and you’ve been together for YEARS…then why try and mess up a good thing just so you have a stupid piece of paper saying your married? I just don’t get it. Must be a greed thing so you can get your hands on the other person’s belongings should it not work out. DISGUSTING. And NO…I’m not a guy saying this. I’m 100% female and if you thought otherwise then you like to stereotype people.

  32. Anonymous

    No one should be pressured into getting married. But if it’s what she wants and he doesn’t then he should do the right thing by letting her go. It just wouldn’t be fair to keep stringing her along when he has no intention of getting married, children or no children.

  33. Mark Wahlberg's next girlfriend

    Mark: If this is true, don’t let ANYBODY pressure you into getting married. Get married (if you ever do) when you’re good and ready to get married. How many of us have known people who felt pressured into getting married and then the marriage breaks apart — that’s not a real marriage. At least that’s not what I consider true marriage. But then again, I never got married. Hey, Mark, wanna move in together? LOL!

  34. Anonymous

    Ugh!! he’s discusting to look at let alone allow him to touch you…
    Take the kids and Leave! Send him a card thanking him for NOT marrying you and consider yourself extremely lucky….