Their bustup last year was bitter, so we bet Evan Rachel Wood is just a little embarrassed that she’s back together with Marilyn Manson. Remember, Marilyn dedicated the song “I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies” to Evan from his last album. Just about everyone agreed that the “Whatever Works” actress was better off without the 19 years older Manson when they broke up. But they couldn’t stay apart and here they are in Paris and Marilyn has almost NO MAKEUP on!
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She must be insane.
These whores have no shame to scrape the bottom of the devil’s barrel. They have got a hot eternity waiting for them.
Isn’t he a fine obedient little man to brave it..? HA
What an ugly fuck.
Didnt Skarsgard rebuff her? Seems like that is why she went back to MM, she had her ego burnt.
THAT is one of the UGLIEST fuckers I have EVER seen! No WONDER he keeps so much makeup on most of the time! He truly IS a MONSTER!
I don’t think Manson looks that bad without makeup. Much better than all that scary crap he usually wears. Wood never dated Skarsgard. He was asked about this several times when he recently did press in Sweden and said they were just work friends and those types of rumors are “garbage” he has to deal with.
WOW! The devil let him out without his makeup in public!! He’s not too bad, but still, if there weren’t this picture, most of us would walk right past him . . .
gawd still looks like a bucket of smashed crabs!
Leave Marilyn Manson alone. He is a human being like everyone else. Get a life.
He is perfect either way
He is the sexiest man alive