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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Mariah Carey’s arrival in Cannes did nothing to kill those pregnancy rumors. Mariah looks more voluptuous than ever, and she seems really happy about it. Her tight dress gives her a shape more reminiscent of an opera singer than a pop star. She’s in Cannes to promote her movie “Precious.”

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  1. gay tallywacker

    I’m pretty sure that’s why she’s using NC. Black dudes don’t mind some cushion for the pushin’ But white guys like ’em skinny. So she’s clinging to her black side now that she’s huge.

  2. Anonymous

    Here is a useful website for natural cleanses:

  3. CutTheCrap

    MOO MOO!! There’s no baby bump there at all but yeowza!! She not only is a Heffa she has major cankles!

  4. PoopieStriker

    I don’t think she’s gotten bigger implants placed. I do however believe that age is cathing up with her and she is accumulating the pounds. She’s not toned which means she does not seem to do regular exercises. She’s always battled the weight and it may be hard for her to start that kind of regiment to regain her youthful look. It takes too much discipline involving diet changes and a Madonna type work out. The age monster is finally caught up with her. Her act now is Nick. Cougarville will work for so long and ultimately the young man will walk because that’s Hwood.

  5. Debutante

    God, she looks awful. I hope she’s pregnant and didn’t just get her breasts made even bigger ! Those boobs just make her look fat. She looked so much better with her natural breasts. She looks very matronly.

  6. Dieter

    Who is paying money to see this horrid woman in a film? Remember “Glitter” folks?

  7. Anonymous

    Her looks are now gone. It won’t be long, she will be a cow…they will call her moo-moo

  8. chewonthis

    She is a hard diva, in other words she takes no cr*p off anyone. She demands many things in her hotel suite when she travels to perform, such as certain type of water, white flowers only, weird foods. Yep, she is a hard diva, as hard as her fake unmoving tits. But, ya gotta love her….she’s the only one on earth with a wide range of high octaves.

  9. Anonymous

    She looked a thousand times better before she got those huge fake implants, they make her look matronly.

  10. cazie

    Love her, but those shoes make her legs look stumpy…loose the strap & her legs would look longer.

  11. Kittee Kattee

    Gimmee a break!!! Most non-showbiz gals (and a few in the biz) would love to look this good!!!!

  12. gerard Vandenberg

    ………….UNLESS YOU’RE DEAD MAN, folks!!