You can bet more than a few diners were left speechless with forks in mid-air when Mariah Carey arrived at Gracias Madre being held up by her 14 years younger boyfriend Bryan Tanaka. Stairs are particularly challenging for Mariah and her giant platform shoes, so she needs at least one man to help her walk. But it was her atrociously raunchy outfit that drew attention. Lately she’s been going to the most paparazzi infested restaurants dressed to kill, apparently looking for attention. But she’s getting the wrong kind of attention.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Imagine that fat hog without clothes
Man, is she ever fat. I think she must weigh 200 lbs. Too bad – she used to be a rather attractive lady but now she is just an underdressed attention hog.
Yeah, like what’s wrong with this look is her purse! Good grief
What’s the name of the male actor who played the husband to Roseann. He lives in NOLA, bet he could tell Mariah what she ought be eating and how any miles to walk in the morning and evenings. Provided she pays for his tossed salad. Along the Mississippi River there are these huge levees/bike-walking paths. From the airport to downtown is a solid 20 miles. Bring a liter of water or $2 for the bus ride to downtown.
That purse should have been bigger to cover that hideous outfit.
This is the ultimate cry for help, but to whom will she listen?
This is a really sad desperate look.
James Packham-St.John
Tenaka is not the kind of fellow that “dates” women. What a farce.
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Once again Mariah provides ample evidence that she bought out the unsold stock when Frederick’s of Hollywood went belly-up.
Smart girl!–as Coutney Stodden has been practically left naked as a result. 😉
You don’t carry a purse when you are dressed like that. If so, it would be extra tiny.
She would look much better & younger in a pair jeans/dress slacks and tailored shirt.
It is sad that she doesn’t have any close friends to advise her against such atrocious attire.
She’d be wise to move to New Orleans. Where Big is what’s happening. She could have rode the Streetcar to the Fried Chicken Festival, as it was this weekend. Do tell her the Beignet Festival is coming up next month and Seafood Fest. I’ll bet ole James Broden would like to go to that. Must be hell trying to hide Funny Girl. But, I guess that’s what those rooftop bars are for.