Marc Jacobs is taking us back to the 70’s – and maybe to Harlem- in his Fall 2017 collection. Kendall Jenner is rocking a burgundy corduroy leisure suit with a big gold pendant chain. Her hat looks like it came right out of Sly Stone’s closet! And those bell bottoms and platform shoes- so reminiscent of good times on Soul Train…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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The seventies were never THAT bad. Unless you were tripping.
Didn’t look good then and doesn’t look good now
It looks like she is trying to cover up a huge brain tumor and hope no one notices.
he changed to be a hetero sexual from now?
This girl has no spark or liveliness to her, she is just so blah
fashion has become a race to Goodwill. this is just awful. I agree with Palermo, I’ve seen mannequins with more personality then kendall jenner
The clothes are a joke.
She is a beautiful young model but needs to distance herself from her nutty self indulgent creepy family