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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


While Madonna prepares to perform tonight in Paris, she sent her children Lourdes, Rocco, David, and Mercy and bodyguards and nannies out sightseeing in the city. Among other attractions, they visited the Notre Dame Cathedral and the artsy historic neighborhood, Montmartre. Lourdes is looking quite fashionable and grown up as she jokes with their bodyguard.

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  1. salim


  2. salim


  3. chinko doughboy

    captain america go fuck your self., poor sponder worship is after you now captain nigar america. {mark edward burnett}, at least i do not hide behind a frame name, i show my real born iden-naughtty. You piss aunt loosers/\ sentencing piss aunt loosers into my family’s [peer-raw-mids’][piramids’] King tut’s know how. Now captain america what is your real fucking name chicken shit. here is mine [Mark Edward Burnett]. Cow got your slip lip tongue speach captain america? moo moo

  4. chinko doughboy

    if that is lourdes pa pa hound, he has no cool tact in my point of view. His shab drab of clothing exchange and his goof razor shave. and his scungy ass smile. Now we all know who will be paying off our razor blade purpose and privilage use.. Here is two names.. poka dot :wesley snipes’: and :carlos Leon: see how involuntary sentencing goes… say sow boy, grim reepoor, pharmacuitical engineer, Mark Edward Burnett [prince darkness]

  5. chinko doughboy

    Madonna you have ex-zerted any of my under educated love for you. [dritwood meaning, I cannot stand you]! You have really grown into a farm culture, BAA BAAA. Type po error of [bad oder]. You dragged ladorus with you. All that money and you slink links scum level in paris. Remember in my dream madonna, i would not kiss you even then.. Pharmacy of who is your lucky star.! Who is that bimbo i am jealous of, ladoreus is chang leafing too?..Where did the twerp learn how to nigar shave from, one of your fuck stalls; yuk yuk yuk: Who gives a fuck where you go traveling too. Link this Madonna, pin ball wizard gravity covers of good by endings. A ocean tide receeds, so does your age… and you already sold poor limp read ladorus out into hort ta cultures into “devil ebterprisez”. You dumb bitch MADONNA. say so fromm Mark Edward Burnett

  6. Denise

    That’s Lourdes father, Carlos Leon, not a bodyguard.

  7. concerned to a point

    On Perez’s website there is a pix of Lourdes holding the bodyguard’s hand, same guy!! Pay attention Madonna!!

  8. concerned to a point

    I’d watch my underage daughter and that bodyguard if I was her!!

  9. captain america

    when you don’t have the money…….THE PROBLEM IS YOURS!!

  10. dandy lion

    I can’t stand phony ,filthy Madonna. She has no soul and it is a miracle if she has not contracted some kind of sex disease. Anything to do with kabbalah is demonic and she is a demon. Her red string bracelet and drinking kabbalah water won’t keep her out of hell.

  11. Beachy

    This chick is nuts. She collects kids like others collect stamps. Yet, she can’t be bothered with raising them. Sick.

    I’m just about done with “buy-a-kid” celebs. I wonder how those kids will feel as adults when they realize they were purchased and raised by nannies and bodyguards.

    Sick – this chick is sick. Angie Voight is sick, too.