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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Madonna has been very chummy lately with Penelope Cruz and we think she has a very good reason. Penelope is best friends with director Pedro Almodovar and he, in fact, made her a star. Madonna is harboring an intense desire to act again and she hopes that by cultivating a friendship with Pedro, he might decide to use her in one of his movies. Pedro loves strong and unusual woman and writes his best roles for them. Unfortunately, Madonna’s film history is not great and many people blame her for the downturn in Guy Ritchie’s career. Whether Pedro chooses to take a chance on Madonna remains to be seen.

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  1. E

    Well said!!!

  2. Gayle Miller

    When has this ridiculous female ever exhibited the slightest talent for anything other than self-promotion? She is a waste of time altogether! nd shouldn’t be polluting the world with another of her so-called acting performances.

  3. Zoro

    Bongo you never listened to her albums to know that she actually has an melodic voice. Take a Bow is a gorgeous song for instance. You only WISH she was as bad as you want to say she is.

  4. Mother Hen

    Bongo, what’s really funny, is right now I’m picturing Vadge with that steel-plated armour bra with points on the end that she used to flaunt a few years go. Whenever I feel depressed, I just picture that and lol every time.

  5. bongo

    AGAIN ? HA HA HA HA ACT AGAIN ? You are so funny, Janet. She can’t even sing. How does she make all that money with limited talent? I don’t understand, is tastelessness so financially rewarding in this country?

  6. pig

    @ Dieter Shumacher-Berlin: If the Anti-Christ is female, then it could be Vadge. If the Anti-Christ is male, then it could be Barack Hussein Obama. See YouTube and enter “Obama Anti-christ” and judge for yourself.

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    You mean like when Bette and Joan were nominated for “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” Yeah, Madge might get an Oscar nomination someday…..

  8. cathy

    well.The joke is on you people. One day she will be up for an Oscar and you will eat your words.

  9. dee cee

    She played the boring, wicked, rich-rich, spoiled and arrogant beyond measure; selfish, superficial and childless woman to perfection in Swept Away.

  10. Dieter Shumacher-Berlin

    Pedro Almodovar would never risk his reputation and mar one of his great films with the filthy untalented Anti-Christ that is Vadge. This woman needs to go away. She disgusts the world.

  11. Reta

    Right again Meg, you are a smart girl!

  12. Meg

    Madonna is punishing herself, not us. Imagine how it might feel for her to suck at something she so badly wants. She is creating her own curse. Us? We just don’t go to her movies and problem solved. Pedro will loose credibility if he casts her.

  13. Victoria

    Please no! Have Mercy on us!

    Madonna cannot conquer movies at 51!

    She will not play a 51 year old woman and the problem is, we all know she isn’t 30.

  14. captain america

    there are other ways to punnish people.

  15. pig

    She is so rich she should just PAY Pedro to put her in one of his movies. The amount would be like pocket change to her. Everything else on earth – she has been there, done that.

  16. L'il Off Broadway

    The demonic cult of Kabbalah is fueling her success, if you define success as lousy acting, porn-filled concerts, etc. Tons of money she has, acting ability she doesn’t.

  17. right

    If they used her hands/ arms (close-up), she could star in a horror story.

  18. Beachy

    How funny. She wants to act “again”? She never could act to begin with.

  19. anonTWO

    Don’t you remember Madonna meeting Almodovar back in the early 1990s during the time she had a famous crush on Antonio Banderas ?

    That moment was featured in her film “Truth or Dare” and it made
    Banderas a star in the US.

  20. cathy


  21. jojo
