Maybe those clunky platform shoes aren’t as easy to walk in as we thought. Madonna has two strapping young men helping her into her hotel in Paris where she’s promoting her new single “Living for Love.” We wonder if she wears those shoes just to thumb her nose at people who accuse her of dressing “too young.” She just announced a world tour for her Rebel Heart album, coming out March 6. While in Paris, she startled many people by comparing France to Nazi Germany. She feels the country no longer embraces everyone or encourages freedom.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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Another delusional in the mold of Angie!
I’m surprised she remembers that far back.
Remembers it? Hell she lived it.
Bet Paris won’t be inviting her back…
Lucky French
let’s say it’s different than most cities………
How about Madonna thinks Baskin Robins 31 flavors Ice-cream shops remind her of the many tolerant gay bars she wants to visit in Iraq? It’s just discontent whining without proof or evidence that her freedom to do as she wishes rights are violated ..! She is so over dramatic blaming the ICE CREAM shops for not opening up there.. rather than the freedom hating terrorist who won’t let her do her nasty shows or sell her deviant junk there. And Bridget Bardot warned this would happen years ago in Paris and was jailed for using her freedom to speak.
How’d she sneak past those surveillance cameras in hell?
And thank you all for your support.
Why should they “embrace” hateful, destructive people who clearly don’t appreciate freedom and who don’t want to assimilate?
What the f@ck does this know nothing, semi literate clot know about European history.. let alone what happened in Paris under Nazi rule ? Just another birdbrain who’s washed up and can’t face the shadows of her career.
Who in his own mind listens to this dumb illumipuppet?
heard she f’d up her ankle(s) when she fell. she can’t wear heels and those platforms are probably all she can bear to wear. also Armani is calling her difficult (see NYPost) so the claws are out…
The real and very knarly and lesbo Madonna:—lesbian-named-Ingrid.html