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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Madonna was one of the last customers to visit Barneys before the 7PM closing time this evening and she was dressed to kill. She must have been on her way to a cocktail party or dinner and realized she forgot something that Barneys could provide. A last minute gift? A fashion accessory? A special shade of lipstick? Whatever. Maybe she needs the dark glasses because she’s still hung over from the rockin’ Oscar party she and Guy Oseary had that lasted until 5 AM.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Mat

    She is hideous. Just retire already. It hurts to look at her. Always has. I don’t know her but from what I have read and her interviews she is not so pretty on the inside either. Go away!

  2. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Well, she certainly couldn’t stay TWENTY forever (but God knows she has tried).

    We prefer to revisit her back-catalog; especially the video for “Dress You Up”–the live concert version. Pop music PERFECTION.

    And perhaps sadly, a snapshot of a completely vanished America. Watch the video, and you’ll marvel over how so much has changed in just a few decades.

  3. Diva

    She looks like a drag queen

  4. Wowsers

    I’ve never seen Madge look fat, but in THAT awful outfit she looks like she’s put on 20 lbs. Her fashion choices over the years have ranged from bizarre to wut? and some of them are just plain ugly. However, she always looked fit and fierce. I guess age catches up to everyone eventually. Madge has the middle age woman spread going on, or at last that designer rag makes it look like she does.

  5. Diva

    yes whack a doodle

  6. Beachy

    This woman is nasty. Only a burlap sack over her head and body would help. I pity her kids. She’s a whack job.

  7. producer

    it must have been Alzheimer………….