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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The WOW Report does wow us sometimes. Occasionally they put drag queens on hold and feature something different. This time it’s a collection of Polaroid photos of Madonna taken in 1983. Richard Corman was a well-connected young photographer back then and he shot the ambitious 24 year old singer in her brother’s seedy apartment (She lived in an equally funky walk-up on E 4th St, full of thugs.) It was just HER and Richard in the apartment – no entourage yet! The photographer recently came upon the long-forgotten polaroids in mint condition. One month after these pix were taken, Madonna’s first album was released and her world exploded. Corman’s book “66 Polaroids” is coming out in the fall, along with an exhibition. (Love that rusty sink and funky kitchen)
Photos: Richard Corman

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  1. ruthie

    A very different Madonna than what we have seen in the recent past.

  2. digit

    I was 9 years old at the time, brings back happy memories.

  3. Colin

    Great pictures.

  4. india moon

    really….. is this necessary? GA.

  5. noblecascade

    Sunset Blvd. anyone?

  6. Jimjam

    Slag then… Slag now.

  7. india moon

    will she ever go away?????