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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Madonna’s alcoholic brother who is living on the streets in Michigan gave an interview to the Daily Mail that’s quite revealing. Madonna, who is said to have a fortune of 650 million dollars, has not forsaken him. Anthony Ciccone, 55, admits that his sister Madonna, 53, has many times offered to pay for him to go to rehab and in fact, she sent him to a Houston clinic for two months but it “didn’t help.” He doesn’t want to stop drinking and feels rehab is not ALWAYS the answer. His alcoholism got him fired from the family winery 18 months ago and he’s been living as a vagrant on skid row with the crackheads ever since. His hard life is revealed in the fact that he looks SO much older than his sister.

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  1. Strom

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  3. cara

    @Mystical….I was going to say the same thing. But – I don’t think her younger sister (melanie, I think the one married to the folk singer) looks bad. However, if you all remember, at the pics of her wedding to Guy R her sister had a full head of grey (I think she’s since dyed it).

    Vadge would look like the mom from Grey gardens if she hadn’t had the money she has.

  4. Diva

    But what has she done for him lately? Oh yeah, nothing.

  5. forrest gump

    he is so extremely DULL & BORING without alcohol, folks!!

  6. selene

    interesting article….thanks for the link LB.

  7. lil booger

    This link has some great photos and an update about Madonna and each of her siblings.

    Here’s an tidbit about her sister Paula. Can you imagine NOT coughing up a couple of coach tickets if you are worth a bloody fortune?

    PAULA MAE, born 1959

    In the 1980s Paula tried to make it as a singer and model. But when that failed she found work as a graphic artist and is now living in Michigan.

    Madonna reportedly refused to pay for Paula to travel to her wedding to Guy Ritchie in the Scottish Highlands in 2000.

  8. Bluejay

    Janet, can you get that photo that mistechal mentioned? I’d love to see the whole Ciccone family, and compare surgeries.

  9. mistechal

    I saved a page from The National Enquirer, a few years ago, to show my daughters how celebrities can manipulate their looks, through surgery. (When they were teens’ and insecure about their looks) The photo was of Madonna, and her YOUNGER sister. The sister looked like an old Italian Nona. Hook nose, graying hair, wrinkled,sagging neck. Madge should spend a few bucks on getting the rest of the family to look as young as she does ! As for her bro., …well, he should move to a small poverty stricken, African village, and if his sister doesn’t rescue him, perhaps Angie might help ?

  10. Kitty

    Obviously the whole family is a screwed up mess-most of all that soul-less Madonna.

  11. chris

    I say charity starts at home.

  12. Pit BuLL LOVER

    Alcoholics are Beyond royal pain in your ass to deal with. period. ANY one addicted to drugs and/or alcohol will make your life as miserable as you let them make it. and that is Triple miserable…..

    loud embarrassing scenes, especially in public are always oh so lovely, cops being called, shit going down, stinking smelly falling down drunk call you at all odd hours leaving screaming filthy incoherent messages til you turn off your machine pains….no thanks.

    been there, and they finally just died or i stop associating…it’s just not worth it….anyone i have dealt with never really wanted any help or recovery….ever….and many tried for years til they wised up….all they wanted in so far as support was your money… their beer, buy their smokes, buy them food….they can’t even function which is why some end up under a freaking bridge…..good. stay there.

    i don’t’ blame anyone for not helping this guy…if he’s lucid enough for pictures and interviews, he knows where he can go get help.

  13. Muffin

    Instead of Madonna trying to help all of the orphans in Africa, maybe, just maybe she should try to help ALL of the orphaned Americans?? It is a little disgusting of these so-called religious people turning their backs on their families if the don’t choose to live their lives as ridiculously as they do!! Their motto is: do as we say and nobody gets hurt. Sounds like a cult to me!

    She is very, very rich but she sure must be a c&%t! This old broad is going to end up just like Demi Moore.

  14. chris

    BS…. she could have at least given him a roof to sleep under as long as it is not in his name. I understand not giving him money.
    Obama too has a homeless bro in Kenya..the press won’t mention that.

  15. Strom

    Someone should give Tony a job for that quote. BT certainly right on with the comparison.

    Madonna has had more varied and more quantity of cock than any white women now living. Doesn’t match Dianna Ross but is getting close as Dianna is not so much in demand any more.

  16. lil' booger

    I’m proud of my sister,” Anthony said. “But it’s been a burden, because I can’t be me; I have to be related to a celebrity. People have their ideas and expectations. My sister’s a multimillionaire but she earned it, I have to give her credit for that.”

    “But you’d think there’d be some more family loyalty, and that’s not the case. Just to communicate would be nice.”

    Growing up together, he said, “she was a b*tch, just like she is now. She remains true to form.”

    ——-Anthony Ciccone

  17. Patrick

    Some people are just hopeless pisstanks.

  18. British Teeth

    Two weeks without a shave, and Madge is his TWIN. Trust.

  19. Strom

    Send him to Tulsa!

  20. Indy

    Who knows how old he would look if he cut that mass of hair off his face. Sometimes if you can just get a makeover, a fresh set of clothes, a little place to live, Christian counseling, he could change radically. But not Kabbalah counseling, no no no.

  21. CoCo

    I don’t think Madonna looks any younger due to her surgeries. She looks exactly like many vibrant, healthy, style conscious 55 year olds (including me). The only difference is that slightly weird look surgery gives. She is lucky to have great bone structure. She has always photographed well.

  22. Bluejay

    There is a group of Christian Brothers who run a facility for hopeless alcoholics, and let them drink at certain times. They get food, shelter and compassion.

  23. anonTWO

    addiction is a serious problem through out our society.
    I would not judge Madonna about her brother’s issues.

  24. Tinchy

    Obviously he is an addict.From the start his story just simply didn’t made any sense.That’s what addicts do:steal,cheat,lie,do anything for a quick buck.

  25. Colin

    @Hillary’s Duff. Where did that come from? Seems more likely that you’re talking about yourself.

    I think it’s shocking to see how much older he looks, especially when you see what he looked like before (kinda handsome). To end up homeless is really bad, unless of course this is what he wants. Agree about the winery! Can’t blame the guy if he drank all the supplies.

  26. Madonna, help him

    Even if he’s an alcoholic it’s ridiculous for Madonna to let him live in the street. She could rent him some cheap ass apartment so he doesn’t freeze to death. Being an alcoholic isn’t the worst thing on earth, it’s not like he killed somebody.

  27. Hillary's Duff

    Madonna is vile, filthy and disgusting.

  28. Dragonfly

    The family is kind of silly to hire him to work in a winery when he is an alcoholic. I’m sorry he doesn’t want help. That is sad.

  29. palermo

    Of course he looks older due to his lifestyle but let’s face it, Madonna would look a hell of a lot older if she didn’t have so much work done. I’m from Michigan originally, it’s one of the last places you want to be homeless, very hard to survive the winters.

  30. The J-Man

    Perhaps a winery isn’t the best place for an alcoholic to work.

  31. Pit BuLL LOVER

    this is so weird cos i thought that might be his problem and if so totally understand why family members stay away

    alcoholics are notoriously difficult humans to deal with or even be around.

    it’s his choice.
    live your dream dude live your dream.