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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Madonna’s visit to Malawi is going to take a few days longer than expected because there are objections to her quick adoption of the four year old girl named Mercy that Madonna selected. Madonna brought her other kids Rocco, David, and Lourdes, along for the ride, and they are pictured above at the child care center in Malawi. Judging from the look on her face, this was not how Lourdes hoped to spend her Easter vacation. We never thought we’d see Madonna wearing a fanny pack!

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  1. Red Rooster

    Celeste, what is it you are doing for mankind? Oh yeah, you’re sitting on your ass dictating how others should live.

  2. Anonymous

    Sick and tired hearing about Madonna. She doesn’t have no class at all. Give us a break.

  3. gerard Vandenberg


  4. Anonymous

    Yes, and most raunchy/porn stuff comes out of Hollywood and the wacky world of show biz. It’s amazing how most don’t seem to want to face the fact that they are mortal and will some day face judgment. They live for the moment and say to hell with tomorrow. Yet the ones trying to make them realize the brevity of life get put down. Well, this is to be expected.

  5. Anonymous

    Madge is pure filth and pure evil. Satan personified.

  6. Janet Charlton

    Why do very religious people seem to make the most AWFUL comments? SO judgmental! Live and let live. And don’t forget to have FUN.

  7. cal

    I think it is great that she is going to give this little person a wonderful priviledged life full of love, with brothers and sisters, something that this little girl currently doesn’t have.
    Since when did Janets site become a rant for looney religious zealots – although you lot never fail to amuse!! Isn’t there some gospel word about not judging others, throwing stones?!

  8. Celeste

    Her unspeakable sins keep piling up: Nudie book she wrote and starred in called “Sex”, French-kissing Britney on stage, dabbling in lesbianism, going after any guy young and old that catches her eye, adultery, porno-filled concerts, and so many more. It will not be mortal man that metes out what’s coming to her; it will come from Above, Divinely, and in His own timing.

  9. Guy

    I hope a mosquito bites her and she gets malaria and dies a horrible death. She is such a c*nt.

  10. Etienne

    Funny. I STILL don’t see her wearing a fanny pack. Janet, when will you stop seeing things in the pictures you post that aren’t there? And for the love of God, STOP talking about yourself in the third person! It’s not cool and you sound really stupid. You’re even beginning to make Pigez sound normal.