Ryan O’Neal can relax – John Phillips of the ironically named group “The Mamas and the Papas” has turned out to be an even WORSE Hollywood father than Ryan. “One Day at a Time” star Mackenzie Phillips has a new book “High on Arrival” and she admits that her musician father John, who was addicted to drugs and alcohol, introduced her to both heroin and incest. She tells in horrific detail about her childhood of drugs and her ten year incestuous affair with her father and the resulting abortion he paid for. John’s other daughter Chynna doesn’t doubt Mackenzie’s story. His ex-wife Michelle Phillips insists that Mackenzie is “mentally ill” but she’s probably embarrassed because she MARRIED the monster. We were always resentful that John Phillips got a liver transplant in 1992 when surely there were more deserving sick people who needed a liver. Phillips was witnessed drinking not long after his surgery.
Casonia Logenberry ..Hells kitchen people should use that time to study and learn all of chef gordon ramsays food and learning and reading and study should had happened and jennifer you are doing a great job.
Casonia Logenberry ..Hells kitchen people should use that time to study and learn all of chef gordon ramsays food and learning and reading and study should had happened and jennifer you are doing a great job.
Gross and Nasty and how could she not tell? Keeping it in is really dumb but better late then never and adlease she is getting it off her chest and getting it on the table but really late and..I TAKE IT SHE DID NOT WANT TO LOSE HER MONEY FOR ALL THE ABUSE SHE HAD SUFFERED AT HIS HAND.
Casonia Logenberry ..Hells kitchen people should use that time to study and learn all of chef gordon ramsays food and learning and reading and study should had happened and jennifer you are doing a great job.
I Know that mackenzie did drugs and that she kept sleeping with her father and she grow up being treated this way and that is the reason she turned to drugs and her life must had been a nightmare and she never got pregnant or anything out of years of sex?
Casonia Logenberry ..Hells kitchen people should use that time to study and learn all of chef gordon ramsays food and learning and reading and study should had happened and jennifer you are doing a great job.
How could she get it on with her father until the day he died and then just come out after his death and I bet she did not want to get written out of the will or she was worried about the money and her part..But that is gross to let it go on and on and on and on until the man kicks the bucket.
Casonia Logenberry ..Hells kitchen people should use that time to study and learn all of chef gordon ramsays food and learning and reading and study should had happened and jennifer you are doing a great job.
How could she spend time with this man for years and years and she most had thought it was normal at some point or maybe it was the drugs mixed with sex.
I’ve read PAPA John’s book a couple of times and read MacKenzie’s book—they both shot cocaine continually as well as heroin. They both said they shot cocaine every 20 minutes when they were shooting it and heroin is used to mellow out; but sometimes they would do both at same time (speedball.) the cocaine would explain the debauched (to say the least) sexuality. I can’t listen to “California Dreaming” the same way anymore.
I, too, watched Mackenzie tell her story on the Oprah show, and the whole time I couldn’t help wondering one thing. If John raped her the first time, that’s one thing, but for her admitted “consensual” 10 YEAR sexual relationship, there’s no excuse for that. What, did he hold a gun to her head every time? For it to be consensual, that makes her just as big a piece of trash as he was.
Bettye Bluejay
This morning on the Today Show the interviewer was challenged to believe her. Mackenzie, my favorite actress on One Day at a Time, may be suffering from Wernicke-Korsikov syndrome from all the drugs and alchohol. Too bad. The book needs to be read, but if the abuse started at age 19 and went to age 29, that’s pretty damn hard to believe and accept.
she said it happened for the first time when she was 19 and went on for 10 years. That is one sick puppy. “JUST SAY NO”! She has no excuses if it went on at that age and for that long.
She was NOT a child when this happened people. Like someone else said; did she not know how to lock the door? Sick, Sick,Sick. Don’t blame it all on him. They both needed serious psychiatric help.
Generation X
If you don’t want someone to “COME IN” (if you get my drift), then lock the damn door. As to whether she is making this all up, who knows, she is really pitiful, and that’s all that is certain.
Liz, Ms Inspector Gadget
You obviously have more issues than I initially thought.
1. What would be a good date for the book according to you? What makes you think you can tell people WHEN to write a book or to come out?
2. Read other news or blogs, suggest e.g. Bijou spoke on this – she KNEW and BELIEVES Mackenzie.
3. Why children don’t say ‘NO’ hmmm… you really need help if you can’t understand this one.
4. Re Oprah and ‘Million’ – go back to my post. I said ‘she now checks her guests before they come out with their revelations’ – Oprah is human, she is entitled to error. She learned her lesson and her people NOW truly check all guests.
In closing… learn some www etiquette before posting. ‘!!!!’ is good for kindergarten.
Ms. Meg,
I don’t believe it at ALL. If by some small chance it is true– why come out now, with a book on the way? Why not try to protect her sister Bijou when she was very young and living with this “monster”? Why not deal with it with a counselor first? Why did she tell her stepmom she was joking about it at an earlier time? More importantly, why didn’t she just say NO– she was over 18 and it went on for 10 (yes 10) years? Too many questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and by the way- Oprah didn’t check out the “Million Little Pieces” authors “true” story too well did she? He made up the whole thing!!!!
It always amazes me it’s the women who are accusing women of lying. You especially seem like a person who would judge others according to your own ‘values’… how sad. Your comments are nothing but a description of who you are deep inside. ditto. You should be ashamed of yourself.
And as far as my take on Mackenzie’s revelations… well I believe her!
Proof?? She is also speaking about Mick Jagger, who is ALIVE and CAN defend himself.
Oprah is no idiot, she now checks her guests before they come out with their revelations. Oprah is no trash TV and she wouldn’t put a phony story to get ratings. She is too well established to do that.
Mackenzie comes up with new stories every few years to get some attention or make money. I agree this man was not a great father but Mackenzie is making this up. She has always been a loooooser. She has slept with every thing around and has taken, and still takes, everything as far as drugs go. It is convenient this claim comes as she is putting a book out. Keep your mentally ill trap shut for once Mackenzie and get help. You need more money for drugs? This is also horrible for the many kids who are put under this abuse and are telling the truth.
@etienne-Did you watch the interview? She never once tried to portray herself as a victim. She took responsibility for her actions, as well as making excuses for her father’s behavior. She could have very well blamed all her issues on her past, which she didn’t. And you obviously have never been in an abusive or innaproprite relationship, because her still loving her abuser is not uncommon, as a matter of fact, it’s pretty much an extremely common reaction. The comments I wrote about Michelle Phillips were just to make a point the John Phillips has a history of innappropriate, if not illegal, sexual activity. And that’s something that is well known. I also find it extremely telling that her sisters believed her, without question.
captain america
I know the junkies I knew back in the late 60’s couldn’t even get it UP and had absolutely NO sexual desire or energy. Neither did my ex-husbands cousin who was a huge junkie, all he cared about was the needle, for get getting laid or anything CLOSE to it. Makes me doubt this story, there penises just DON”T WORK on heroin, they hang there, useless, lifeless flesh. I never could understand the ones I met, why they gave away their sex life for that shit and hanging their heads in the toilet barfing their guts out and sweating profusly…yeah, THAT’S real attractive and desirable!
Mackenzie didn’t have a lock on her door?
Miss Eva
It was interesting to note that NEVER ONCE did on that Oprah show did anyone put the drug taking into context. In the ’70’s and ’80’s most everyone was quite openly smoking pot and snorting coke: in restaurants, clubs, concerts–everywhere! When I saw Bob Marley at UCLA, he was smoking the usual fat spliffs, the whole auditorium was hazy with smoke, and he threw the partially-smoked spliffs to the student audience to enjoy. And we DID! Try THAT in today’s disgustingly uptight, judgmental and critical atmosphere!
We all lived through it, folks! We had a SUPER time and we’re none the worse for wear!
AB Bobby – John is dead and has been for 8 years. Try again.
B bobby
Is Woody Allen sporting some wood over this story? He was obviously banging the Korean but the real story is his interest in the young blonde daughter! MAybe she will fess us as well.
B bobby
John needs to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how good it was. Most likely the rating would be low, but he did keep coming back for more.
@jj – Well, she can’t very well press charges, can she? Even if he was alive and kicking, she couldn’t. The fact that she said she loves him still and actually made excuses for an inexcusable act tells me she that she is as sick as Michelle Phillips claims she is. Michelle did start sleeping with him when she was 15 or 16 but she wasn’t his kid! I’m not defending anything John did at all but I don’t believe Mackenzie was a victim like she wants us to believe. Ten years?
@etienne- she took responsibility for her part of what happened, didn’t blame her and never said a word about pressing charges or anything of the sort. She actually made excuses for his behavior and repeatedly said how much she loved her father. And as far as step mommy goes, didn’t she herself start fucking him when she was only 15?
@ strom how the hell did morgan freeman come up in this post…. ur a mess
The Dudette
NatGeo did a whole long episode on Heroin addiction, when your on this drug your void of all emotion, fully detached. So what’s not to believe? We have two junkies that shot up together and then screwed one another, Heroin makes you an animal. Let’s face it, we’re seeing horrific stories playing out in the media right now about dads having babies with their bio daughters and there was no heroine use with these demented folks. Machenzie had an abusive father who happened to be a needle addict, scary when you really think about it.
Not buying it. I believe he molested her when she was a teenager. But as an adult she allowed the relationship to continue for ten years? That’s on her, not on him. If he really did do this, he’s beyond sick and even if he were alive, he couldn’t be prosecuted because of limitations on the rape statutes. She also said Mick Jagger told her when she was 18 that he’d been wanting her since she was 10 years old. I call total bullshit. Jagger may be a lot of things but he is not, nor has he ever been, a pedophile. She clearly needs the money and this is how she’s going to get it. Rather convenient that daddy is dead and can’t refute any of it, isn’t it?
Oprah should also interview black Morgan freeman and ask him about banging his grandaughter for 20 years.
Bettye Bluejay
She IS mentally ill, that kind of abuse is life-long damaging. As for Michelle, she was on the loose in her early teens, screwing anything that had two legs, a dick, and money/power.
Bettye Bluejay
She IS mentally ill, that kind of abuse is life-long damaging. As for Michelle, she was on the loose in her early teens, screwing anything that had two legs, a dick, and money/power.
As for the point you made about the unfair liver transplant, I agree completely and had the same thought when Larry Hagman got one after drinking his own into oblivion. I used to own an antique store in Ventura and he and his wife shopped in there regularly, Larry would always come and talk to me up at the desk while his ugly old wife spent his money (she has HORRIBLE taste in funriture by the way) and Larry would bore me with his booze breath stories while I had to look at his horrible red sagging eyelids. UGG. Money can’t buy class or good taste!
I watched Mackenzie on Oprah today and I have no doubt she is telling the truth.
It’s an extraordinary story and Oprah did a great job guiding Mackenzie through her horrific childhood and early adulthood.
I applaud her for being so open and vulnerable.
oh captain amerikkka, you know the whole incest idea gets you hot. don’t hide from it. embrace it, baby. we couldn’t think any worse about you.
captain america