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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We felt sorry for Macaulay Culkin when he and Mila Kunis split after eight years together. It happened around the time of her “Black Swan” success. Mac is in New York now and he was seen with this cute girl who looks like his type. Whether it’s a romantic relationship remains to be seen. Mac has a film coming out next year called Service Man – it’s described as a military comedy drama.

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  1. Strom

    The recent pictures of Culkin seem to indicate that the repeated undercover culkins pervert MJ gave him must have infected him with a long term affliction.

  2. Ray

    The guy is said to be tight with his money on certain things. He is said to still be worth between 14-20 million. I don’t know how reliable those numbers are but he’s not hurting for cash (not yet anyway).

  3. Michael

    He’s so damn tiny.

  4. Indy aka Christine India

    He will never ever morph into any kind of a manly look.

  5. Strom

    Michael bones Culkin for years. A “Culkin” became as well known as a “Lewinski”.

  6. pixie larue

    Wasn’t he one of the fellows who drank ‘Jesus juice’ with M J ?

  7. forrest gump

    he tried to get back to the future.
    although this far unsuccessful.

  8. Chicagoland

    Bless him. You just know that every one of those wispy facial hairs is inventoried, named, lovingly cultivated.

  9. Muffin

    She looks like an older gal. I think his movie will be successful. It’s about time he come out with a comedic movie. He did such a great job in Home Alone and My Girl. Both classics in my house!!

    Unfortunately his Dad is an a-hole and turned him off of acting. Maybe Mac is running low on cash and thats why he is acting again or maybe he got some inspiration and ambition due his his break up or maybe it’s the new lady?

  10. Ava

    I think he will always have that incredibly youthful appearance. Whatever he does in his career, I hope things work out they way he wishes.

    Whatever happened to his stage father & former actor, Kit Culkin? I always liked Kit’s sister, Bonnie Bedelia (Die Hard movies, Presumed Innocent, Needful Things, Sordid Lives, Speechless…etc. )