The always confident Simon Cowell, who can do no wrong, may have gotten a glimpse of the future and he doesn’t like it. We’ve had Britney Spears and Demi Lovato jammed down our throats for months in a huge publicity buildup for this season’s The X-Factor and we’re already overdosed on them. The show premiered this season to ratings a third LOWER than last year’s premier and the second show was even WORSE. Boo hoo. Maybe, just maybe, the public has had enough of overpaid, overhyped judges and mediocre talent. Prime time TV seems to have devolved into one gigantic continuous amateur hour. The novelty has worn off.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Brittany looks awful, she needs to lay off the black eye pencil/powder. I dislike Talent shows, for entertainment…….
That goes for synthetic (pathetic) music as well!
The entertainment industry has gone to hell.
oops !
Christine India
Sister Kitty, Amen to that and I forgot about the lip-synching. The world is truly upside down when looney toons like Britney can command million$ of dollar$ and the returning veterans have a hard time getting a job and proper health care.
Once again, Indy is right. She looks worn out and used up. And, how could she be a good judge since she can’t sing and lip syncs all the time anyway? Crazy is as crazy does!
Christine India
Britney looks tough, worn out, and hard as nails, not surprising since she has (as they say) been around the block many many times.
I never watch this stupid show, except once and could see immediately that Britney is not a good judge and does not know what she is doing. But the money is good, some $15 Million (?) Life aint fair.
I never cared for this realty, talent scout show stuff. No thanks.
You said “…….see the postings of STROM, Sherrylynne and Christine India”.
Hmmmmmmm forget to use your fake name?
I’m not a fan of the format where auditions are before a live audience. It doesn’t move along very well, and the background material about complete nutcases is useless.
Wonder when the real Strom will comment on the fake “Larry of the Desert” Strom above…
dark sided
Shows like X FACTOR and american idol are finally dying out.
believe it or not but even american F*GGOTS won’t buy him any longer……
did you know that 61.73 % of all syphilis cases are the result of WHITE enabled hominids copulating ? Just look at the photo to see the grotesque outcome of such fornication and mindless bible worship.
It also destroys the capacity to reason, by perilously lowering the IQ ! for irrefutable proof, see the postings of Strom, Sherrylynne and Christine India !
Larry of the Desert – Chapter 5 Verse 17, ” he who walks on burning sands must be big crazy”
Those chairs..what is with those chairs?
You’d have to pay me to watch Britney and even then I’d need a barf bag. Btw, her lifestyle is really starting to show in her looks.
Pippa Martin-St. Onge
People can only stomach so much of this rubbish. That’s why Cowell was deported from the UK.