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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Moschino designer Jeremy Scott posted this photo of himself and Lourdes Leon at the Met Gala, and they both look good, but….Madonna’s daughter is only 24, yet with that heavy Kardashian inspired makeup she could easily pass for a 38 year old cocktail waitress in Las Vegas. Doesn’t she realize models are supposed to look YOUNG and fresh? She’s going to age herself out of the business…

PHOTO: Instagram

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  1. Paula

    She use to be pretty.

  2. Diva

    Trick or Treat

  3. Masks are for serfs

    She looks like she’s wearing a Cher Halloween costume.

    What a bunch of morons at this Met Gala…..AOC being the biggest moron of all.

  4. Daisy

    agreed. she’s beautiful and hiding it under all of that facade. is it me, or does she look like some iteration of Cher?

  5. kait

    It doesn’t matter what kind of criticism she gets. She has a famous name, and that’s all that matters when it comes to attention-getting.

  6. trina

    Imagine all of the immoral , unnatural and filthy things she’s witnessed her mother doing over the years….my goodness

  7. Mari

    Not even close too being attractive. That’s nepotism for ya!