Lorenzo Lamas made a surprise appearance in Beverly Hills this afternoon. Three or four hundred protesters marched from West Hollywood to Beverly Hills today in an event organized by #Walk Away Foundation. The rally was planned to support president Trump and law enforcement. Lorenzo and Scott Baio were among the speakers at the event. Not enough masks to suit us, but fortunately, no looting.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Natalie Pinkhams is a nut case. How dare she float a ridiculous unsubstantiated suggestion about Dr. Fauci, one of the world’s leading infectious disease physicians in the world who, I remind her, was so helpful in controling HIV. It is the blatent stupidity of people like Natalie who don’t know what they are talking about and float conspiracy theories because it’s easier to do that than to actually research facts. Shame on Natalie.
Natalie Pinkhams
The china virus was made more potent in a lab in Wuhan and then ‘accidentally’ released . Why does Fauci have patents not only on vaccines but on actual viruses?
First I want to say this gossip wesite is delightful and I enjoy checking it out from time to time.
But I must shed further light on the irresponsible comments made here minimizing the serious and deadly nature of COVID. Just today the American Academy of Pediatrics declared about 100,000 chidren have been infected the last two weeks of July. Additioinally, the Georgia High School recently in the news whereby a student was punished for posting a photo of a crowded hallway of students with no masks or social distancing has just announced COVID has spread tamong the staff and students and the school is closing for distant learning until it can be sorted out what to do. This kids spread the disase. They also get sick, too and some die. There is also the very real possibilty of permanent organ damage. So please, don’t listen to ignorant people who post uninformed nonsense. It could hurt you, your family and your friends. This is serious.
Nice try Patrick. Fact. Yes, you can fly to Hawaii, but you MUST stay at your hotel for two weeks or be heavily fined and sent back the next flight out. I know this because I have been working with an attorney there. You can’t leave your room, go to the beach. So who the hell is going to do that. The case I was working on was resolved. But it it didn’t, I could not be called to testify in person. It would have to be done remotely. So it is a ban in effect. Get real.
Nice try Patrick. Fact. Yes, you can fly to Hawaii, but you MUST stay at your hotel for two weeks or be heavily fined and sent back the next flight out. I know this because I have been working with an attorney there. You can’t leave your room, go to the beach. So who the hell is going to do that. The case I was working on was resolved. But it it didn’t, I could not be called to testify in person. It would have to be done remotely. So it is a ban in effect. Get real.
Flights from YVR to Maui. 350 return.
No quarantine in Hawaii.
Use your google.
Banned means no entry. There is no ban!?
Family and business travel is still a go. Just no tourism. Unless you quarantine for 14 days. Got it?
There is a driving ban unless travelling to and from Alaska.
Choose your news sources carefully and stop passing false info.
Patrick, you really think before you can enter Canada, you must be quartined THERE or sent back is not a bann? Just how many people are willing to do that? Hawaii also has a similar ban and they are hurting economicallly because people are not willing to spend their vacatioin time hold up in a hotel. I have work there, so I have first hand knowledge of that. And the EU!!! And you think this is a left and right thing? No. Its a matter of incompetence. We have not had effective leadership, a national plan implemented and we are suffering socially and economically.. The US is no longer considered a leader in the world. We are pittied, not admired. Opern your eyes.
“Corona is nothing” is ignorant. COVID doesn’t kill anyone under 8o? Surely you are not so stupid as to believe that. Herman Cain, a Trumpster and former Presidential Candidate, died within 4 weeks of attending Trump’s super spreader in Tulsa. A healthy award winning actor in his early thirties was on a ventilator for weeks, had a leg amputated and before he died they were contemplating a total lung transfer. And if you don’t die, you still have potential organ damage. An infant just died from covid and more children under 18 are being exposed, physically damaged and, yes, die. Are you watching Fox or do you just live in your own ignorant bubble. Your comment should make every critically thinking American angry. Your ilk are part of the problem. Shame on you.
Dan dan – Star power? Really? Who freaking cares? The left does. They think that kind of low level intellect is of great importance. Some things are MUCH more important than that. I’ll bet you can’t think of any though.
Corona is nothing
Lipp people die every day from AIDS, Flu, Ebola, Pneumonia ect. Why the obsession with Corona? it doesn’t kill anyone under the age of 80. So protect the nursing homes and open everything up. If you want to be hysterical that’s your choice and your problem.
Dan believes everything CNN tells him.
Not true banned in Canada. Flights daily. Two week quarantine required.
The driving border requires timeline for driving to and from Alaska.
Facts don’t matter to the left.
Unbelievable. The US is leading the world in deaths. We have 4% of the world’s population and 25% of the deaths!!! We have a crazy orange thing in the WH telling the American People AND the world, Dr. Immanuel is a “spectacular person” while videos of her lecturing about the gynecological problems caused by demon sex while you sleep AND aliens mixing their DNA with ours are easily viewed on the internet And these past their prime former celebrities seem to think, well, that is OK. We are now the laughing stock of the world. AND we currently are banned from traveling to the EU, Canada and the Bahamas. Yup, make America great again
as in Great Fools..
Dan Dan
Lorenzo Lamas and Scott Baio! LMAO. This is the level of star power the orange moron attracts! And, Janet, never refer to the orange moron as the president. The Russians placed him in power. He doesn’t deserve the title and will go down in history as the worst disaster the US has ever had to endure. Did you see Steven Schmidt’s takedown of the orange loser? Brilliant! The only people more pathetic than the orange loser are those who still support him.
Only the wacko commie left thinks violence, mayhem and destruction is just fine.
Trump supporters actually respect themselves and others. They can get their point across without fires, weapons, assaults and murder. They don’t need to destroy everything in their Path. No scorched earth tactics here.
Trump 2020!