Sophia Loren turned out to be the main attraction at a Moscow art exhibition of Niklas Safronov’s work. Niklas is perhaps the most important Russian artist of the early 21st century. He specializes in portraits of famous personalities –performers, politicians etc- with a twist. Sophia is one of his subjects and one of many celebrities who collect his work. Sophia looks great, but we just don’t like her eye glasses.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Friday, April 10, 2015
Ilo Veu
Sophia, my love!
In this one thread, there are over 6 posts by imposters who wish to be Strom or play the role of Strom, but are not equal to the task in reality.
What is absolutely evident is that the foolish imposters have chosen only to attempt to be Strom and have actually made him the rock star od Hollywood Gossip sites!
None of the usual suspects have been imitated like this. Only Strom!
Ha-ha-ha!.. 😀 😀 😀
Poor perverts….JCH should send you back to your little gay sites for all your filth!
Did you read it in your mom’s memoirs “Stromstitute’s adventures”?..
“She’s used to taking up the ass from black men.”
Poor pervert…those things are more for the pervs like the little imposter!
Hi, Strom! Do you have Xhamster account?..
Sophia – My Love!
Sorry, it’s not about posters and I have a heavy schedule of book signing events upcoming.
Sophia vs Gina L. the match up continues.
Strom, is there any possibility to contact you to talk about interesting rumours? Thank you.
Poor and jealous imposter, trying to play its sneaky games. Most likely a gummer, like Sophia!
I am a very famous and successful author whom travels the world while incessantly trolling a gossip site.
You are all jealous of Strom.
Amazing how the little imposter follows Strom around like a star struck gawker….but try as it might it will never be anything more that a Call Center weirdo!
Poor and bitter little imposter, so jealous of the real Strom!
Not really, without those big glasses and wigs, she would be a fright!
Philberto Cardenez
Janet, why do you criticize other Women ? Do they mock your wig?
Sophia looks great but those wigs have to go! Sophia looks older with all that fake hair!
Nice wig
Her eyewear company makes her a lot of money, and that’s why she wears those glasses in public. I’ve tried them on when I’m looking at new frames, but who wants those big honkin’ things? http://www.eurostyleeyewear.net/maintenance/sophia-loren-marketing-downloads/
@Georgie – Raquel Welch is a plastic caricature today, much like Kim Whoretrashian
Poor little imposter….so jealous it posts twice. Not funny, just a sicko, Far too many “gay” times.
Have you seen my penis?
mister baja
……….try spandex, sophia.
She’s used to taking up the ass from black men.
Her eyeglasses are what you don’t like.???.. That’s it?
She is one of the most beautiful women in the public eye. She eats …she laughs..but you find fault with eyeglasses!!!???
God, you’re weird!
I doubt even Strom would have a nasty comment! Lol.
She is still beautiful and doesn’t look crazy like most of those who had too much plastic surgery
Totally correct, she looks good & is very recognizable.
The glasses fit her face & don’t cover up her eyes at all.
@Sandy, are you kidding, she is very recognizable. Yes, she has had several facelifts, obviously, but she still looks beautiful and still looks like herself. Funny how some people’s faces look completely different after plastic surgery, and some faces just wear it better. I think it has to do with bone structure and general skin thickness. Raquel Welch also still looks good. Meanwhile, Kim Kartrash looks ridiculous after all the surgeries and inserts done to her young face. She was pretty before when she was young and natural. Now she looks odd. On another website, they are saying she looks like a camel now because she has shortened her nose too much and it makes the space between her lips and nose too long.
Re: Sophia’s glasses, I think they are okay for her face and age. She would look funny if she wore modern small, dark frames that are currently in style.
I would not have recognized her.
Yes and she has made more $$$ in promoting eyeglasses than she ever did in pictures.
Her hands give away her age, despite all the facial fillers.