This scoop from The Smoking Gun nearly slipped past us in the holiday scramble and we knew you’d love it. The intrepid site dug up the late Bea Arthur’s personnel records from when she was a marine. Yes, a MARINE! In 1943, Bea- then known as Bernice Frankel, heard that enlistments for women in the Marines were open so she decided to join. She named her “hobbies” as music and dramatics. Her personality appraisal sheets listed her as “argumentative” and “over aggressive” but she performed well as a typist and truck driver in the service. By the time she was discharged in 1945, she had advanced to staff sergeant. Her only misconduct report was due to her contracting a venereal disease that left her incapacitated for duty five weeks in late 1944. Maybe THAT’S why the star of “Maude” and “Golden Girls” didn’t speak about her time in the marines, in fact she denied those years in the military. If it weren’t for the Freedom of Information Act we never would have known!
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feieraband Jr.
I sure woman in the 40s had to hold up some kind of stardard and some times shame takes hold and we are unwilling to share portions of are lives we are not Proud of.
Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Alldunn Feieraband Jr.
Back then they did not have the right combinations ready to attack the V.D. Disease and of course she was ashamed of the fact that she got it on the Marines…(Woman had to come off as being Pure) Maybe she wanted to keep this part of her life private until after her Death.
So sorry to see this as a post…not everything needs to be read about a person..especially someone who’s passed on. She was a gifted actress who gave millions of viewers great laughs and was a wonderful person to work with.
Strom is no one but Strom and it is simply a case that PC’ers dont like to hear the truth. Remiond me of anything I said about Bea which is inaccurate?
she started her own brothel on sea.
Wow! What a gal, a truck driver fits.
I don’t think there should be a report abuse button, if you don’t like what others have to say then don’t read it or don’t bother clicking on the comments section. This is not the ‘only’ site on the net that you absolutely ‘have’ to come to daily.
I too have to troll through some peoples drawn out ethnocentric posts – but I’m not complaining, I just don’t read them – although I am getting bored with the whinging that is going on.
Reta, Patrick is Strom, and has always been, or is Strom masquerading as Patrick.
If it is the former, I am concerned — this is more than someone playing silly beggars, but a sign of a serious mental illness. The Patrick posts have been really out there.
The Gov’t doesn’t release a person medical records. Somebody made that up about her catching VD and for five weeks.
Wonder what she looked like all dolled up in uniform ? Dig up that photo!
Helena, I know for a fact Janet reads the comments because Hilary recently reminded her of something that happened where they both were there and Janet answered her back. If Janet can answer Hilary, she should care enough about the rest of her visitors, or talk to her site administrators about installing “repost abuse” hardware. I have left here a couple times already as well as emailed her directly without any response. Perhaps Janet thinks that without visitors she will still attract sponsors. I highly doubt it.
Helena Handbasket
Thank you, Reta. Enough is enough and strom’s nonsense has far exceeded the typical troll’s little reindeer games.
I have no doubt that Janet actually reads the comments, so it’s probably safe to assume that her placid response (or lack thereof) speaks volumes.
Walt Cliff
Arthur always had the Prison Guard or Marine look to her. It is no secret that by all outward appearances she looked and sounded and acted masculine. As far as I know, she wasn’t gay.
Had it come out years ago that she suffered a veneral disease so many years ago in the service, it would have been devastating for her and her career. Keep in mind that she could have contacted that disease from a husband, boyfriend, or even if someone took advantage of her (rape). Also, keep in mind that it was not unusual for men in the service to contract veneral diseases. Young single service men or married service men away from their sweethearts, still get horny and use hookers. It is just a part of life and it is certainly a part of war.
If we are offended or just plain uninteresting in Bea Author’s sex life or the side effects of said exploits, I would think the constant barrage of racially motivated twisted vomitus coming from strom’s microcephaly head would make the “site administrator” actually do something in order to keep the other visitors here who are fed up with this sick crap. Why not create a “report abuse” button like other sites have? Come into the real world Janet!
Another big old bulldyke posting.
It’s all very confusing for Pippa.
If the military then was like the military now she probably caught her v.d. from an unwanted date.
Do we really need to know that Bea Arthur caught VD while in the Marines? I don’t and the story would have been interesting without it because it’s news to me.
When nymag.com ran this story — several days ago — it was spun as a cute little item (it was a Do You Recognize Her? deal, and the bit about VD was left out).
If Smoking Gun and this and any other site have tried to treat it like a dirty exposé, more fool them. Arthur having wanted to cover up the fact that she had sex out of wedlock is cute — she was a lady of another era and had a dated sense of shame and propriety. But attempts now to make an issue of it now are gross pathetic, and naive — everyone knows what went on during the war. Some people had sex out of wedlock, some caught the clap, some had illegitimate children. Shock! Horror!! Scandal!!!