Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Lindsay Lohan is looking a little rough around the edges here. On this particular night she was seen circling her estranged girlfriend Samantha Ronson’s house in her car. Eventually she found out which club Sam was at and she went there and followed her home after 2:30 AM. It LOOKS like a fatal attraction, but Samantha isn’t protesting vehemently.

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  1. Sam wants pussy and doesnt have many options, L just wants drugs and to be eaten…..it’s really that simple!

  2. Of course sam isn’t protesting, linds is a tuna-licker, and that feels good.

  3. All of the young girls in America aspire to be like Lindsay the parasite. This is a sad story of a Woman who had everything and now has NOTHING!

  4. How far can she fall before real tragedy strikes? She is probably slowly dying of a gross sex disease and her brain all rotted and twisted from drugging. It will take a divine miracle to save her.

  5. I agree 100% Celeste. It almost seems like the needs a complete lobotomy. At one time she had such promise as an actress, but now, what job would she be good at? Because I think her Hollywood career is gone with the wind.

  6. It’s unfortunate that she is so clueless about how totally pathetic she has become. Sad.

  7. Rotten busted-commie economy..?!!!! Looney-Linds and Ugly Sean have to go back to their abused partners and pretend love for a while longer..

  8. oh I think she understands just how far she has fallen. That is why she acts like she does.

  9. do not panic lindsay, PROSTITUTES ARE ALWAYS WANTED!!

  10. LiLo has no clue to what or who she really wants. If she ever breaks away from Sam Scuz and goes back to men, only the dregs of the earth will associate with her. If she doesn’t kick out first, I predict she will go back to men, much as the old Anne Heche/ellen affair of years gone by. Even hardened GollyWeird must be shocked by her irratic actions.

  11. This won’t end well. Where are her people, the good surrogates for Christ’es sake. It’s obvious her family lacks the wherewithal to set things straight and help her out. Instead of vilifying and laughing at her, pray for her. This is a tall order for some, but try it. She’s not healthy and may be having serious mental health issues from which she cannot escape. There was a time I thought Britney was lost forever. She may still end up in a bad place but her father is trying. Lindsey needs her father as crazy as it sounds because her mother is an enabler. He appears to be more stable. Hollywood reels them in young then spits them out like vomit. As I said, this won’t end well.

  12. Yes^ I agree. LL is a talented little gal and with God’s grace (and submission on her part) she can go back to her craft with ease? I loved her as an actress. Damn Hollywood; damn drugs.

  13. And now turning to Samantha Ronson: She is a mixed up soul. I think she enjoys the off and on break-ups with LL. If this silliness doesn’t end soon, their lives may be ending, as the body can take only so much sleeplessness, stress, booze, and drugs.

  14. Damn Lilo still needs to collect the rental money plus provide someone with good credit to vouch for her credit card purchases.. This means she has to woo and charm idiot Sam.. It’s not so much Lindsay likes drama, she just wants all the attention from dramas. It’s all about me and how I feel by what you do and say.. Never you Sam… therefore she is neurotic and narrcissic and most likely suicidal.

  15. I hope LiLo’s younger sister, Ali, can see how she is ruining her life, and will talk to her, and vow now to follow in her footsteps. Nothing has been seen at all lately from Ali and rest of the family. this is one of the saddest cases in all of GollyWeird.

  16. ^^Correction^^…meant to say vow “NOT” to follow.

  17. Having worked in the mental health field, I will tell you that Narcissists are hardly ever suicidal.
    But she definitely has the disorder described below, an alcohol/drug disorder, and an eating disorder.
    She needs HELP…not people bashing her.
    Narcissistic personality disorder
    DSM IV-TR criteria
    A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]
    has a grandiose sense of self-importance
    is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    believes that he or she is “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also “special” or of high status.
    requires excessive admiration
    has a sense of entitlement
    is interpersonally exploitative
    lacks empathy
    is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
    shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

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