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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Seems like only yesterday that Lizzo was in TEARS over online criticism of her appearance. She griped that her feelings were hurt because body shaming haters didn’t like her looks- she said they were fat-phobic and racist. After all that drama, Lizzo went out to dinner at the expensive restaurant Craig’s, dressed like THIS. Who is she kidding? If Charlize Theron went out looking like THIS- she’d get hateful comments too! ANYBODY would get bad reviews in this unappetizing look. Bad fashion is bad fashion…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Paula

    No god damn PRIDE! Ugh!!

  2. Disgusting people

    When I was a kid I admired celebrities. Now they are just trash. No talent, no morals, no character ect. I hope the whole world just tunes them out. Let them all go broke.

  3. Rae

    Such class!

  4. Thrifty Shopper

    In a world where Andy Cohen is let near a baby what could you possibly expect?

  5. emmy

    Imagine having the bad lick to be seated near that disgusting pile of lard. Why do restaurants allow her to enter while she is dressed like that?

  6. Wilson

    Lizzie has also joined the group of celebrities not using any deodorant. They must be an odiferous bunch on hot summer days. Yuck!