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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Lindsay Lohan – she’s bigger than life in Milan. Fornarina sportswear has huge window displays featuring very flattering images of Lindsay in the Rinascente department store in Milan. Her tabloid shenanigans made her a big celebrity there.

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  1. Anonymous

    That nun is trying to tell those girls that Lindsay is bad news!

  2. Anonymous

    Go to Rinacente for the best silk scarf selection!

  3. Sebastian Stoker

    What is it with the Europeans? They always embrace celebrities discarded and disrespected by North America. Is is an inferiority complex, or some sort of nose-thumbing?

  4. gerard Vandenberg

    ……..why? SUCKERS need SUCKERS, folks!!

  5. Anonymous

    I think she’s a pathetic human being who’s headed for a big decent into a pile of leftover garbage at her young age!

  6. biscuit

    And that’s Italians for you. We Americans don’t read that garbage.