While Lindsay Lohan has been at Betty Ford, she has been stealthily reaching out to friends and asking for money! She’s acting like she’s in dire straits financially and she’s been pleading with her wealthy friends like Harry Morton, for money. Friends on the outside don’t really know WHAT she wants the cash FOR, and naturally they’re hesitating, much to her distress.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Large legal bills
Casonia logenberry
I love this little lady as a actress and..The problem is she often spends money on items she does not need and if she would stop shopping and just live in one place instead of places all over the world would make her life easy but she is shopping her ass off and she can’t seem to stop and if she directed her money toward other important issues like Rent,, Light, Heat and phone and cable and car insurance would be so much better then buying another pair of shoes that she is not wearing but on the other hand she can sale her stuff on ebay with her autographed items to fans out there and place that money on bills and pay them in advance and This little lady just needs help and some one in her corner and…I am wishing her well and I hope things get better for her!!! I Like her and hope and pray her life get better…All the way around and I bet when she is stressed she often goes shopping and that is the only reason she is broke and I do have mercy in my heart and feel bad for what she is going throw.
Strom, LOL.
Yes is seems Samantha has a taste for bleach-blonde hasbeen skanks.
She needs big money though….Betty Ford charges big bucks for the name and people report that they are a lot like others as far as results…the Aura of Betty Ford treatment will most likely keep her out of jail tomorrow.
But she is p/o’d that Samantha is now banging Christina A.
Beg This
Her friends need to just say no and so does the judge in court tomorrow when Lindsay’s attorney tries to save her from returning to jail. Clearly, all she knows how to do is manipulate (what drug addicts do best), and she’ll never improve as long as anyone permits her to continue getting away with it. She can resume her latest stay in rehab (at HER expense) after suffering the consequences for once again abusing the leniency show to her.
Strom, I believe Lindsay’s background is Irish Catholic, so hardly racially desirable as far as people like you are concerned.
Lenny Unlike Nicole Riche, Lindsey is pure white.
captain america
strom, you forgot to say it’s because she’s white.
Bettye Bluejay
That’s a no brainer – she needs the cash to fix that awful lip job.
Indy, I spoke to God, and she and her lesbian lover say Lindsay just needs time.
She never stays in rehab or jail long enough to get cured. She had a good career and threw it all away.
I know how she can earn $20 the hard way if you know what I mean.
You wouldn’t think she’d need big bucks in rehab. So either she can’t pay the bill or Dina’s broke.
Bad news…her family enabled her and this is the tragic result. Unfortunately she will be back…the judge this week will probably let her off w/ treatment and someone will come forward with some $$$$$.
She should be begging God for mercy.
It’s hard to believe she’s still in the headlines after all these years. Go away and get well.
pit bull lover
che bruta X100,000
I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again: she has the face of a meth addict. Look at some Youtube videos of before using meth, then after, and you’ll see, sadly, that Lindsay fits right in.
She need to hire a private detective to find the remains of her career.
She needs the cash to buy Diet Cokes.