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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

We’ve seen a lot of bikini photos of Lindsay Lohan lately and she looked so tan, but whatever it was, it must have faded. Apparently she doesn’t want the real sun to multiply her freckles so she’s on her way to a tanning salon in Malibu to give herself some artificial, but much needed pigment.

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  1. Anonymous

    Won’t get much sun in jail. Get used to the pale look – it’s her future.

  2. R

    This young woman has bigger problems than pale skin!

  3. Anonymous

    not everyone has to be tanned, some people look so gross with all that tanning.

  4. Anonymous

    You’re gonna have to get with it Janet.. the hot news is leaving you behind hon.

  5. cal

    her one last straw to grab as a ‘gesture of redemption’ is to go head over heels for a mainstream religon. thereby hoping she will avoid a harsher punishment.
    she has already done the rehab, ankle bracelet spiels so she will proclaim having found jesus next, compounded with the father dramas.

  6. cal

    Yeah she’s fucked now

  7. Margo Channing

    Actually, as of this morning she’s on her way BACK to jail/rehab/end-of-her-career.
    Told ya.
    Told ya.
    Told ya so!