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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Lindsay Lohan claims she can’t afford to see a psychiatrist but she spends a fortune on her hair. When she bleached her hair platinum blonde she had to get a whole new set of extensions to match, and it looks like she’s lost control of them. Her damaged hair is matted and the extension connections are clearly visible. She’s been to the salon twice this week trying to tame her frazzled hair. It’s not easy having hair that color.

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  1. Tagg

    She looks horrible as a bleach blonde. Her natural coloring favors Auburn hair or maybe a soft honey blonde but this color washes her out. She also needs to cut her hair. It’s way too long and ages her.

  2. Casonia Logenberry..Hells kitchen Elisa is a major pain in the Butt and hope her ass is kicked off the show soon..Because I want to be the first black woman to win on the show and..How could Tennile be any one role model she was kicked off the show for me

    Lindsay you really are lovely just the way you are and really can’t understand why you need the change? Being blond is nice but your already lovely and have great hair to start off with. Hope there is something they can do to save your hair and hope that you are taking good care of yourself and that your alright and that is the only thing that matters and good luck to your career and most of all your health and take good care of yourself and well wishs.

  3. Strom

    Why wonder about her at all?

  4. Indy

    That looks like an old lady’s arm.
    I wonder how she covers up all those freckles on her face and neck.
    I wonder if she is still seeing Sam Ronson.
    I sincerely wonder how she is still living.

  5. Hello

    Yes, yo yo I saw that but I need another pic. Paps chasing this dumb girl and asking her how stupid she feels for butchering her face. Who did she not fuck or suck to get that face?!?!?! How much did she pay this doctor and I would like to see the docs face?

  6. Natalie

    A few years ago Lindsay was wearing her hair quite dark, and I thought that looked nice on her.

  7. Denise

    Thanks for that link yoyo. It doesn’t look like the same girl. Maybe it’s the overgrown eyebrows?

    As for Lindsay’s overly processed hair, who cares.

  8. yoyo

    She needs to get back to her red hair, this bleached out, fried, rat mess look, does not suit her. She also needs to find new friends who are career oriented & disciplined.


    Dlisted has ally lohan’s butchered mug, brace yourself…

  9. Strom

    She looks old and dumpy already…..imagine Sam Ronson locked onto her beaver and munching away.

  10. dimes

    Can you imagine trying to run your fingers through that?

  11. Mel Zipskin

    Coco -broads like you need to shut the fuck up trashy other chicks like that. I bet you bleach your stringy hair, ugh. Who gives a damn what chicks wear on their head except other chicks.

  12. palermo

    Her real color is so much prettier

  13. pippa martins-st. onge

    Americans love to make heroes out of Morons.

  14. forrest gump


  15. Kitty

    She’s really a hot mess. I couldn’t care less if she never acts again-in fact I hope she doesn’t.

  16. Muffin

    What a pathetic mess!

    She had such a great career going. I wonder what will happen with Lindsay? Will she straighten up and start acting again or will she continue down this self destructive path that she seems so hell bent on staying on? I hope she cleans up and starts acting again as I think she is a very talented actress.

  17. Bluejay

    Ever get a load of her teeth? Looks like Lindsay has a problem with bulimina; her teeth look like crap. Forget the hair and get to a dentist.

  18. Hello

    She must be a lwo budget prositute by now. JANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I need a confirmation on a pic of her sister!!!! The doctored BUTCHERED her face!!!!!!!!! ASAP!!! IMMEDIATELY!!! PRONTO!!!

  19. CoCo

    Ooh, I hate ugly, overly long hair. Occasionally, I see women with thick, beautiful, long hair – especially South Asian women – but usually it’s just some ordinary woman who thinks that having long hair will make her beautiful. Men are to blame for their indiscriminate preference for long hair. Just find what looks best on you (long, short medium, who cares?)

    Fake hair (wigs, extensions) is the worst idea. I am talking to black women too; I don’t get why they hate their hair so much: stop f#*&ing with it and it can be so beautiful!

    I got to admit though, that I would prefer thick curly hair to my own fine, incredibly straight hair. I am officially a hypocrite!