Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Here’s Lindsay Lohan leaving Taverna Tony in Malibu Sunday night. She really thought she could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes by wearing that alcohol monitoring SCRAM ankle bracelet. Her flaunting the device at alcohol fueled parties and clubs made her intentions clear. She wanted everyone to know it’s all right to hang out with boozers as long as the anklet is there! Now that she’s been arrested for DUI and cocaine possession once AGAIN, surely the value of this device will be questioned. We doubt that Monday was the first day she indulged in substances, but no alarm bells went off, did they? At least someone is profiting from her behavior – lawyers and rehabs are raking in the bucks. She’s checked herself into yet another rehab facility.
i like her purse. anyone know the brand?
gerard vandenberg were you doing drugs with lindsay because your statement makes nos sense. you are completely incoherent.
Shut the F— Up! Eva. who cares if you do drugs or booze it up? WHo are you!!!
Linds Lohan is a loser. Hope she spends a lot of time in jail. SHe needs to be locked up. Even if she doesn’t care about possibly killing herself while driving drunk, she should not be allowed to be behind a wheel and possibly kill an innocent person.
gerard Vandenberg
You are so extremely stupid, I just can’t find the right words for it. I would expect something like this from a sever brain-damaged person or so.You have to go absolutely to jail. And not for weeks or months. No…..this is real serious business. We all think in matters of years!! Don’t point at anyone. This all was in your hands. But not any longer!!
gerard Vandenberg
You are so extremely stupid, I just can’t find the right words for it. I would expect something like this from a sever brain-damaged person or so.You have to go absolutely to jail. And not for weeks or months. No…..this is real serious business. We all think in matters of years!! Don’t point at anyone. This all was in your hands. But not any longer!!
gerard Vandenberg
You are so extremely stupid, I just can’t find the right words for it. I would expect something like this from a sever brain-damaged person or so.You have to go absolutely to jail. And not for weeks or months. No…..this is real serious business. We all think in matters of years!! Don’t point at anyone. This all was in your hands. But not any longer!!
dang, how could anyone wish someone years in the pokey, even wishing them death is a lot kinder. have you ever been to jail? if you had even been held in a holding cell for two hours you would know true misery. never wish jail on anyone maybe wish them better. 🙂
just a thought.
I hope she gets a couple of years in the pokey. Maybe that will give her time to realize there’s more to life than living the life of a drug induced slut!
I hope she gets a couple of years in the pokey. Maybe that will give her time to realize there’s more to life than living the life of a drug induced slut!
Fate has been kind to her.. she will be forced to seek the right medical attention.
Margo Channing
It’s the end of the road for this coke-whore.
pete doperty – UNlucky? that guy is the luckiest sob on earth! how many times has he been to rehab this year, how many times has he been arrested, and how many times as he spent doing REAL TIME – NOT more than a DAY – IF THAT!
that ugly worm is the luckiest addict i have ever seen in my life!
When my friends and I drank and snorted coke as young adults, we didn’t call ourselves “addicts” or check into rehab. We just all finally realized it was time to grow up. So we quit the drugs and toned down the drinking.
Grow up, Lindsay.
bh girl
i agree with bev, she is nasty to people, she thinks she is better than everyone else, i have seen her act firsthand and it isn’t pretty. i hope they throw the book at her.
Eva, I would agreed with you until this second incident. I dont believe she does not care. There is a slim chance this could be a publicity stunt for sympathy but either way its pathetic. She seems to have a problem, remember Drew Barrymore? This girl needs an escape as we all do from time to time but couple that with Hollywood and bad parents. Damn.
You forget this is a young girl who has horrible parents and on top of dealing with the pressure to be perfect (she doesnt know any better), she is longing for acceptance. Drugs and Alchy are her security blanket. Thats why it will be VERY hard for her to kick. You will NEVER understand because you are not her.
Lindsay Lomess is a rude nasty vermon of a person.I have seen this ugly girl out shopping and in resturants and was allways shocked as to how rude she treats people.Well linds,looks like you got what you desereved,LOL.
Art Chic
Eva are you high on crack or speed?? Dunno about you but I party like crazy here in San Francisco ya know … wine, grass … nothing real serious but guess what?
Lilo needs the book thrown at her.
Promises in Malibu should basically just call themselves a spa at this point.
They have thrown away their reputation as a rehab facility
eva, maybe if she kills one of your family members while drunk driving or stoned on coke you will feel different. if she had even one speck of a brain cell, she would hire a driver, how hard can that be?
^^^ just doesn’t appreciate the opportunities she has been given.
is behaving as typical, red neck white trash from Long Island.
see Tara Reid if you need an idea of what type of future Lohan has.
Tara Reid starred in block buster movies, ( American Pie) she went on as Lohan did to work with the late Robert Altman.
“partying” too much destroyed Tara Reid’s career, people get tired of girls ( sexism at work) showing up late, sloppy drunk and stupid.
Oh, get over yourselves! She’s young in Hollywood! We of her parents’ generation all drank and did drugs at her age. Many of us still do, but are careful whom we tell because we have successful jobs and lives! The rehab business is just that…a business for profit! Enjoy your life, Lindsey, and just get a driver so they’ll all SHUT UP!
So sad.
she is rude to everyone
go away, blohan, you are a disgrace to humanity. i hope you get at least a year in jail, you nasty skank.
She is being arrested AGAIN, The poor girl is a train wreck, too bad, She has talent, but wasted
She’s unlucky…on a Robert Downey Jr./Pete Doherty level.
Hope she stays alive to see the other side of life. Forget showbiz girlie. Get well. Know
thyself. Open a chain of LiLo rehabs and have a diet pepsi.
Was she arrested again or was she just now being arrested for the Memorial Day incident??
she is the only young actress in her category today with any real talent, I wish her well.
My theory is she never got close enough to the modem to submit her daily upload of hourly readings.
go away
Maybe she was just PRACTICING for a role like Britney! She keeps saying she wants an Academy
Award. Dumb ass loser.
Can you say Anna Nicole?
Wow. So glad to see she is taking rehab seriously. Nice that she can’t be bothered to hire a driver. But who cares about anyone else’s safety, huh Linds?
Art Chic
The young female John Bulushi … death on a stick …dead girl walking … there’s a coffin looking for a body … death pool 2007 LiLo, Britney, Brandon Davis…