Desperate to keep themselves in the public eye, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton turned up together n the company of Scott Storch at Xenii over the weekend and made a big attention seeking scene. Instead of fake-feuding, this time they were all OVER each other – cuddling kissing, hugging and they SURE seemed to be drinking a lot. The more people noticed, the more they playfully fondled each other. What IS it with these girls? Do they really measure their happiness by the number of photographers who follow them around, and whether they make the six o’clock news? We think they spend WAY too much time trying to fool the public. Get a job, girls.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Who’s going to inherit all their money when they’re done Killing their livers, their brains, their hearts, and themselves?…maybe THEN will we stop hearing about their every stupid move! What can they possibly add to our society when their in a vegetative state? Where are their parents or loved ones with that intervention?
I know this is nasty & mean but I wish the Hiltons,Olsons, Simpsons, Nicole Richie & Lohan would just get killed because they had a severe reaction to clothes (dye perhaps), or something…ANYTHING so they would just die already.Half of them are half way there.
Margo Channing
These skanks are not news!
One is no-talent-drug-addled-whore and the other is talentless-addle-brained-whore.
Was kissing Paris the rock bottom that made Lindsay check into rehab today?
I have to agree, these two are not worthy writing about obsessively every single day , all day long.
Only Lindsey Lohan has accomplished anything worthwhile but she is still a girl on the come up and does not DESERVE all this coverage.
Please – no more stories about these losers. Their 15 minutes are up!
Like the others, I suggest to stop writing about these idiots for a few weeks and see what happens. Perhaps they’ll have to do something interesting more extreme to get media attention.
Paris is very talented and beautiful.
Lindsay is a wonderful talent and very gracious and giving.
You all wish!
Janet, they do this attention-seeking behavior because they know that gossip bloggers like you will write about it. If everyone just ignored them, they’d go away. Let’s all try that!
If the media (yes, you included) would stop reporting on all this nonsense, maybe these nitwits would grow up and stop seeking so much attention. It’s all so BORING!
Why are you still writing about them?
Pathetic ploy to stip up press. I wish a meteor would drop on Hype one night and take only these assholes out.
Girls will be girls — 2007 style. Girl-on-girl action is always guaranteed to attract male attention. It’s a no-brainer. Why would we expect anything different from these two? Really, it’s not a stretch at all.
I though it was to offset her lazy brain.
Why does paris always have her picture taken with her head cocked? It’s not because she is use to giving blow jobs but because it offsets her lazy eye.
paris is a no talent whore
why does she always have her mouth open? her stagemother kathy is trying to relive her d-list career through her dopey daughters and deena lohan is a long island house frau doing the same
aren’t they both high school drop-outs? i wish they would all go away!
eau so fresh
very original…
Didn’t Madonna, Christina and Britney do that like years ago…