It’s been awhile since we’ve seen “Beauty and the Beast” series star Linda Hamilton and we didn’t recognize her at first. Linda, 52, was snapped selling autographed photos at the Fan Expo on Toronto. Celebrities can make thousands of dollars a day in cash doing that, although The Terminator star probably doesn’t need the money. She married well. When she divorced “Titanic” director James Cameron in 1999, she supposedly got a fifty million dollar settlement.
Monday, August 31, 2009
She is a nothing!
Casonia Logenberry
She is a wonderful team player and she is funny and smart and really works hard and in life we all get older and we don’t look like we used to look and she is still just as sweet and kind and warm as ever but she does look some what stressed and over worked and as a Rich Lady who has millions to spend should get massive amount of massages appied to her and take some time to relax and kick back more.
She still has more pure sensual power than any of the plastic blond twits vacuously vamping through mindless pictures.
At 54 she could also probably twist the head off a lot of the pretty *boys* as well.
This is what a strong woman looks like, boys, deal with it or go back to your basement and your hand.
There is simply nothing sexier than a real, strong woman.
As if Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and the like, are paragons of the well-aged male. The struggles people have often show up on their faces. For those of you who say she looks bad or frumpy: I’m thinking you aren’t perfect either. In the end, it takes guts to face the world unadorned in Hollywood, when everyone else around you is sporting plastic, botox or stretched-over-the-skull face lifts. I much prefer to see people as they are. The phonies can keep their distance, lest we see them up close and spot their forged features.
Don’t see the problem. These anorexic-botoxed women who have no grandeur to age are boring and look all the same. Linda is authentic and that’s the best she can have. And she is no victim of her bipolar disorder, so she shouldn’t be excused… There is nothing to excuse! She is a person like anyone else, with good and bad and and and. Sure, she is getting older like we all do, she will get more wrinkles und look older but she will never loose her warm, hearty, open charisma. She needs no cream, no botox, no operation to have that!
Moe Moe
If the woman wants to look frumpy, then who are all of you to say she can’t? Get over yourselves and give the woman some credit. She was nuts, now she has control over things and is in a happy relationship with another woman. JC was a major d!ck, and you can’t blame her for their divorce. The man has quite a track record for womanizing and divorces.
Okay…she’s looked better. But, she’s real…and has had a real life! Who hasn’t?
I think when she did B and the B she was absolutley beautiful…who can claim that at any age? Leave her alone…….if we could only get her to revisit the show…and do a movie or somethin with Ron Pearlman back as Vincent? Who else would love that?
Jesus H. Christ. I wouldn’t go to the grocery store looking that bad, let alone an event where I am going to meet hundreds of ‘fans’. Overconfident or just crazy cat lady?
She does look a little rough here, but I always liked her as an actress. Hopefully, appearing at this Fan Fair means she’ll be out and about more. Would love to see her in something again.
All that money and no Botox or Rejuvederm? I don’t understand????
chi chi
she has the face of a 75 yr old, didnt she ever hear of face cream, sunblock or even vaseline for gods sake. There’s no excuse to not take care of your skin, there’s good skin cremes that you can buy at any drugstore. I hate when women let themselves go.
I’m a big fan and have followed her career since Beauty and the Beast. Cameron didn’t divorce her, she dumped him when she found out that he was cheating on her with a cast member while on location filming Titanic.
I had problems when I thought that Bruce Abbott (Husband #1) walked out on her while she was pregnant; thought he was all kinds of an awful person. But later on she clarified it when she finally started being treated for her bi-polar disorder. She drove him off, she was abusive and just plain hard to live with.
I do agree that she could dress a little better and do something with that hair. Although the hair looks better in the above picture than I’ve seen it recently. Looks like it’s been trimmed and colored.
The Dudette
She is bi-polar and a bad one. For years I was irritated with JC for divorcing her until I read about her disorder.
leave her alone, she is bipolar and may have been just having a bad day
Miss Eva
52?!? This woman looks more like 72!!!
bonnie blizzard
….And she has earned every line and wrinkle, damnit. However, there’s nothing wrong with getting some dry skin cream. Dollar store creams are just as good. I remember about 2 years ago, she was on Regis and Kelly show. She had on the cheapest polyster dress, scruffy flats, and hardly any makeup. This is highly unusual.
she got hit with the ulgy stick. Smoke much?
captain america
……………..FRIGHT NIGHTS part IV?
Well, It’s sort of refreshing to see a “normal” face in Hollywood today, altho she could probably fix herself up a little, she’s looking a lot frumpy here. And the hair is a real mess and dead and dry. You’d think with that much money she’d look nice at least, not saying she has to cut her face up and look like a plastic troll, but she could put some make up on and fix that horrible hair, and wear something pretty.