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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

“Dynasty” star Linda Evans is pictured here at The Grove doing an interview with Mario Lopez. She’s promoting her autobiography “Recipes for Life: My Memories” and we’re betting most of her memories are nice. Linda has a reputation as a sweetheart in Hollywood. When she was on “Dynasty” she couldn’t go many places without being mobbed by fans and she stopped to sign EVERY autograph and greet EVERY fan so it took her forever to go anywhere. We didn’t realize her first husband John Derek pushed her to pose nude for Playboy and she wasn’t happy about it. He later left her for 30 years younger Bo Derek.

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  1. She looks great!

    Good grief you people are so critical. She looks fabulous. I would love to see what you would all look like at 68. Celebrities who are age free at 68 have had 6 facelifts and tons of botox. She’s natural. And a class act, she always was.

  2. Christine India aka Indy

    I’m sure Linda is sweet and would always give an autorgraph to her fans.

    However, the hair is getting **blue** undertones, which is a no-no. And she should really try to get some of the botched surgery re-done somehow. She was such a beauty when younger.

    In RE to the Ramtha cult she was in. You can read up on it; it’s devilish,demonic and will lead to destruction. I guess the jerkoff Yanni was in it too, but not sure. Repeating my earlier statement: I hope and pray she is still not in to this, for her sake.

  3. thessie

    She looks nice and seems peaceful.

  4. Denise

    I agree with Pit Bull Lover, whatever gets you through the day is fine as long as you don’t hurt anyone else.

    However I do remember reading about JZ Knight and how she was suddenly taken over by Ramtha. And then she was suddenly taken over by a ton of cash. I’m always wary of those things.

  5. Kitty

    I’d forgotten about the Ramtha crap. There’s no end to the lunatic fringe and their cults.

  6. Pit BuLL LOVER

    what anyone choose to believe in spiritually is not your concern if it enriches their lives and gives them a measure of peace no matter who or what it might be.
    doe Linda’s choice in this area have any real affect on your life in anyway at any time?
    do you think about that a lot?
    nah….. you just feel you know what the what is and if someone else feels differently than what you think they should you spew forth about it…..hope that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.

  7. Indy

    I hope and pray that Linda is not still in the horrible cult of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. This was located in Washington State where Linda moved to. J.Z. Knight, the founder, would puff herself up like a frog, go into a trance, and call up Ramtha, a 35,000 enlightened spirit. Linda totally believed in this crapola and gave tons of money to J.Z. Knight. Unbelievable.

  8. Kitty

    I always thought there was something icky about Yanni. I didn’t like his looks or his music. He was just creepy to me.

  9. Trina


    “According to Mr. Yanni’s companion Silvia Barthes, 33, Mr. Yanni woke up Friday morning and began playing one of his albums. Apart from the “rather loud volume for that time of day,” Ms. Barthes said she did not find anything unusual in Mr. Yanni’s actions.

    “He always listens to his own music when he wants to make love to me,” she told police. “Otherwise he has difficulty performing. So I just thought he was giving me a wake-up call.”

    WHAT A PIG!!!

  10. Shelia

    Do you think that he beat on Linda Evans?

  11. Trina


    “New Age musician Yanni was arrested in March 2006 by Florida cops and charged with domestic abuse after allegedly tussling with his live-in girlfriend. The 51-year-old pianist (given name: John Yanni Christopher), allegedly struck the woman after ordering her to move out of his waterfront mansion. According to a Manalapan Police Department report, the musician also dished out some verbal abuse, calling the woman a ‘cunt,’ ‘whore,’ and ‘garbage.’ Cops noted in their report that the woman’s upper lip was swollen and split open and that there was a small amount of dried blood on her lower lip as well as redness on both her forearms. Yanni, who denied striking her, spent about 11 hours in the Palm Beach County jail, where he posed for the above mug shot.” (from smoking gun)

  12. Trina

    Pit BuLL LOVER

    Back in the late 80’s, Yanni (Yawning) and John Tesh actually toured together. Ughhh!!!!

  13. Pit BuLL LOVER

    yanni….OY….. he and john tesh should do a tour together…..

    as far as linda
    she was much more beautiful AFTER she grew up more after the BV I think….and you are damn right she looks great for almost freaking 70 years old.
    she is a kind sweet soul no matter what.
    a beautiful person. LOVE YOU LINDA!

  14. kait

    She’s aging. Not badly either. Your Candy Spelling comment sounds like it came out of a jerky man’s mouth.

  15. Christine India aka Indy

    It’s amazing how doctors and new medicines can do just about anything…heart, liver, kidney transplants, brain tumors, heart valves, yada yada. Yet when a facial surgery is horribly botched, it seems that no doctor is able to fix the grotesque mess.

  16. Dawn

    If not for her lips she would still be ridiculously beautiful regardless of her age. I think the mouth thing is the mistake that most people make. Most of us will never age as well as she had. I hope that she is happy in her life and that’s all I can say.

  17. Denise

    I have to admit that “The Big Valley” was one of my favorite shows and I’ll also enjoy it in reruns. Wonderful cast and gorgeous men. Linda Evans was stunning. Barbara Stanwyck was a fabulous example of aging gracefully.

    I think a better hairstyle would de-emphasize the unflattering lip work. And I agree, whoever invented it should be horsewhipped.

  18. Bluejay

    Linda finally came to the realization that Yanni was only intetested in Yanni, and he’s a nobody now.

  19. Taffy Davenport

    She has an inner beauty that few in Hollywood can match.

    I worked with her and the lovely BS on the Big Valley. A beautiful, beautiful person, inside and out.

  20. Kitty

    She’s certainly messed up her face and her lips.

  21. Diva

    I think she looks like Melanie Griffth

  22. Anytown, USA

    She started tweaking her looks around the time she was dating the singer Yanni. I think he was somewhat younger than she is.

    Hard to know how she would have aged w/o the surgery but agree completely that it was probably harder for her emotionally to lose what she had, given what she started with.

    When she was on “The Big Valley” (Bonanza-type TV show) you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. She was perfect.

  23. palermo

    The person who invented the “lip plumping” procedure should be horsewhipped. I have never seen one person who had it done who didn’t look a complete and utter fool. John Derek was scum, wasn’t Bo just a teenager when he started cheating on Linda with her? and let’s not forget Ursula before Linda.

  24. forrest gump

    good god: DELETE………………QUICK!!!

  25. Trina

    I think most people have a hard time aging. The gorgeous ones like Linda Evans was, would have to have a little bit harder time. She had the looks, the figure and a decent acting talent.

    Google her and look at how breathtaking she was in the 60’s and 70’s. Just beautiful.

  26. Ava

    That reminds me. Yanni Sucks!!!!

    Didn’t that pigshit Yanni drop her after she had spent 9 years and countless money trying to make his sorry ass famous?

  27. pixie larue

    Is Mario Lopez a homosexual? He has so many ‘girl friends’. Is his marriage just an exercise in bearding?

  28. Woody McBreairty

    Too bad beautiful people find it so hard to age with class & dignity. Unfortunatley Linda will be remembered 2 ways – as a beautiful young star – and a prune faced old woman who tried to remain the former and failed

  29. Stephen

    Few of us will look ravishing at 68. However, she still has that flicker of beauty in her eyes.

    I was never a fan of John Derek because I always thought that he was bisexual (leaning toward the men side) and that he used women as window dressings to make HIM look good and to make him appear as this successful manly man. I felt he used them to make HIM money.