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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


You would THINK that since Lil Nas X just signed that contract to be Brand Ambassador for YSL, that he would show off the brand on the red carpet at the MTV Music Awards. But apparently YSL’s elegant collection was just not exciting enough for Nas! He prefers extravagant and outrageous, so he wore an original hoop skirt and headpiece by Harris Reed, a 26 year old UK/American with an ultra-modern philosophy, and little interest in street-style. Reed is inspired by Elizabethan excess and thinks everyone should look like a queen – both men and women. His models are all tall and skinny and gender fluid – you can barely tell the boys from the girls. Maybe Nas signed up with the wrong company…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Abba

    I love your songs so much I wish you could help me my name is Abba Bingley

  2. Paula

    We are doomed!!

  3. emmy

    His body is HOT

  4. James Franco belongs in prison

    A continuing trend to rob men of their masculinity and feminize them to look like korean pop stars.