That woman with the luggage has NO idea that she’s walking past a celebrity crossing the street in Manhattan. Ray Donovan star Liev Schreiber, 51, took his sons, his girlfriend Taylor Neisen, 26, and his dog, to the park for some basketball and skateboarding. Last night on SNL, Pete Davidson acknowledged the 20 year age difference between him and girlfriend Kate Beckinsale, and he called out a long list of celebrities in the same situation, but he forgot to name Liev Schreiber!
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Giuliana de Pandi Rancid
Dearest: two minutes of research will reveal that you are out-gassing from your porthole.
Take your trolling elsewhere.
And yes, yes, we’ve all been advised that the TRUTH is somehow anti-splenetic, or something.
@ChrisTo: You accuse him of being a Mossad agent, but can’t even spell Schriever’s name!
@If Rahm Emanuel [correct spelling] couldn’t get a security clearance, then how did he become Obama’s chief of staff, a position with the same security clearance as the President?
true but deal with it……
Giuliana de Pandi Rancid
We’ll go you one better: who was the superspy agent (code-named “Mega”) during the second Clinton administration–who achieved the highest access?
Current Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel?
Nope. (But good guess!) He couldn’t get a security clearance the second time around, and left the WH for a money-making job on Wall St.
Hint: and you thought she was just a simple, lusty girl from Beverly Hills–daughter of a Rabbi. 😀
(Red flag: We were always struck by the fact that she’s managed to live in NYC for a quarter century–after attending the London School of Economics–with no visible means of support.)
Schreiber is well known in military circles as a mossad agent