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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Leonardo DiCaprio and a buddy took two brand new Vespas for a ride around Manhattan and ended up having lunch at the Thompson Hotel on the Lower East Side. After they ate, the two guys apparently more in the mood for a nap than joyriding – they simply left their scooters and jumped into a cab! Presumably gophers of some kind retrieved the Vespas later.

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  1. Red Rooster

    FYI — This hotel is located on the west side in Soho.

  2. Anonymous

    walk or ride a bike leo you preachy little prick. are you flying back to la on a commercial flight?
    mr green is so full of crap

  3. Anonymous

    leo has a tiny peen ==D ***snicker***

  4. gerard Vandenberg

    Everybody must go SMALLER in america, folk.

  5. Anonymous

    I’m guessing the scooters were loaners, and they just left them at the hotel for the dealership to retrieve.

  6. Anonymous

    It’s go-for., and Leo is the ‘pet’ of some famous producers and directors..

  7. Anonymous

    ^^^I don’t see mis-spelling in any of the above. Except for 6:13 PM, where it should say ‘too’ instead of ‘to’.

  8. Betty Draper

    1. What does somebody’s alleged sexuality have to do with a story about taking a cab? “mucho caliente”, are you looking to get laid? Is that why you’re asking?
    2. Why is it that bigots never know proper grammar or spelling? Your hateful messages would have so much more impact without the distraction of your stupidity and lack of education on display.
    3. Here’s a thought. . . Maybe they took a cab after lunch because they had a few drinks and didn’t want to drive while impaired/intoxicated?

  9. Anonymous

    Just another reason I won’t buy tickets to hypocritical movie stars movies.
    Like Al Gore – they advertise one thing and do another.
    By the way – has LD had a hit movie in the last 5 years? Even his good-lookin’ chicks leave him.
    And he expects us to look up to him? Ha!

  10. Anonymous

    Of course he is queer. Hey janet, get your act together. Your site is always breaking down. If the game is to tough, get out.

  11. mucho caliente

    I’ve heard Leo is a flaming faggot….does anyone have any information (or) gossip?

  12. Anonymous

    testing 1 2 3 4