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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’ve been wondering what Leonard Cohen has been up to since he rescheduled his European tour from March to this September because of a back injury. He’s 76, (Imagine that! We have a crush on a 76 year old man!) but it looks like he’s healthy enough to continue that tour. We were so jealous when a spy saw him shopping at our local Ralph’s supermarket on 3rd street. Leonard shopped alone, wearing a sport jacket and hat, and when he carried his groceries back to his car, our spy noted that the license plate read: IMURMAN.

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  1. Caren


    Check out his website below. In the upper right hand corner you can subscribe to his news and updates at no charge.

    Also on his website is a cool forum. You might want to pass along those kind words directly to his website so that he and his staff can see them and appreciate them.

  2. Bz

    Glad to see Leonard Cohen is alivet out there somewhere. Came to think of him the other day.

    If you meet him, please tell him that I think he is one of the sharpest persons of this planet. I listened to a radio interview with him som years ago. Hope to hear him again.

    And please send him my love!

  3. Casonia from Seattle..Jennifer what happen to you..You changed over night and started getting sloppy and making mistakes and...That you got weaker and did not drop one single pound on the show..What a shame..Elisa is still there and I really hate her and

    I Know I Am driving people crazy on here and it is fun to do to some degree but as far as this mans music millions of people like it…But not me!

  4. Casonia from Seattle..Jennifer what happen to you..You changed over night and started getting sloppy and making mistakes and...That you got weaker and did not drop one single pound on the show..What a shame..Elisa is still there and I really hate her and

    This man has something we don’t have and that is money and in my book his worries are Zero to some degree but you alway have those blood sucking leaches out there trying to take this old man for a ride?

  5. Caren


    Bite me you racist nutcase.

  6. forrest gump

    shopping at RALPHS gives you new energy, folks!!

  7. Strom

    Forget it, they have software that weeds out nuts and phonies. Jerry Springer is more appropriate.

  8. Strom

    Looney tunes magnified….go away with the longposts, if not to Tulsa go anywhere….it’s not about posters.

  9. Caren

    Casonia, People are paying attention to you because you are on a gossip site and you are interested in Hell’s Kitchen (which is a non gossip site).

    No one on here (Janet Charlton included) is responsible for forwarding your info or comments to Hell’s Kitchen.

    Your enthusiasm is commendable and understood but your target audience is Hell’s Kitchen and they are the ones that are missing out on your valid and interesting comments. Hell’s Kitchen site is also the site where your comments and passion would best be appreciated and much better understood.

    Here’s some info below to help you out.

    Hell’s Kitchen

    Casting is searching for outspoken, competitive, and engaging men and women, 21 and over, with varying culinary experience. Applicants must be passionate about food and want to become the next winner of “Hell’s Kitchen.” Food lovers, experienced chefs, cooks, fast food and cafeteria workers, private chefs, weekend gourmets and caterers, are all encouraged to email.


    or call 866-226-2226

  10. Casonia...Hope elisa is the next woman to go and she is driving me crazy and I Really hate her for massive amounts of reason and her personality really sucks and blows and...Love to see her cry again just like alittle baby

    Why are you people paying attention to me and what you should do is contact Hells kitchen and then I WOULD NOT BE ON HERE FOR MONTHS.

  11. Casonia...Hope elisa is the next woman to go and she is driving me crazy and I Really hate her for massive amounts of reason and her personality really sucks and blows and...Love to see her cry again just like alittle baby

    Screw Tulsa what is so Dam good about that place and since you like it so much you go?

  12. Denise

    Good grief Strom, what do you have against Tulsa?

  13. pippa martins-st. onge

    More Money, give me more money, the Hebrew Mantra.

  14. hello

    Casonia, it’s always great to be a millionare with bad teeth looking like the depths of a 5th world country that denistry doesnt’ exist.

  15. Caren

    As Strom said, it is not about the posters Miss Christine. Let it go.

  16. Indy

    Caren, ….I do not post under any other name but my nickname, which is Indy. My full name is Christine India, (me pap was 1/2 East Indian). I don’t know about the others and could give a flying rat’s ass what name they choose.

  17. Strom

    CSL is seeking attention….it’s not about posters. Send her to Tulsa!

  18. Casonia...I really love the fact that Will and Paul are strong and Jennifer is a close minute behind them but her down fall is not liking italian food and every one in the world loves that and if she hates that type of food..Meaning she is not going to be

    It seems like all the wrong people are paying attention to me and..I really wants Hells kitchen attention and if I ever got on that show…I would not be on this blog for weeks? But as far as Leonard Cohen I Am not a fan and really can’t understand his music..For some reason..I get really bored with it.

  19. Caren

    I also think Reta is Casonia (possibly Indy too) and maybe even Strom or Pippa. They write differently just to throw everyone off. I do think they do it to entertain themselves and others.

    In the great words of Reta/Casonia/Strom/Pippa/ & a slew of others……………”it’s not about the posters”

  20. Casonia...Tennile from Hells kitchen got her ass kicked off, Because she could not handle the fish station and she was drunk during service and she called chef ramsay a British Bastard..You curse the chef your ass is grass and he is going to kick you in t

    I saw the movie and was bored to Death and his style is not my style and…I am not crazy about his music but I know people out there that really love him and care about him.

  21. Casonia...Tennile from Hells kitchen got her ass kicked off, Because she could not handle the fish station and she was drunk during service and she called chef ramsay a British Bastard..You curse the chef your ass is grass and he is going to kick you in t

    THIS MAN WRITES MUSIC AND HE IS A MILLIONAIRE WITH BAD TEETH AND HAS MORE MONEY THEN YOU HAVE HAD YOUR WHOLE LIFE…this man is old and some one out there really love him and he can afford the best items in the world.

  22. hello

    No, really, who is this guy!?!? Is this the old jewish, ugly, bad teeth, smells like bad breath, horny man person for yesterday and today’s gossip?

  23. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    I don’t really like his music or really understand it but this man is making a mean ass living and…Dressing in class and style and may his future get Brighter!

  24. Strom

    Thos old jews look about the same as they get on ito their 70s…..skull and hawkish.

  25. Denise

    Reta is not Casonia. Reta uses punctuation.

  26. better luck next time

    he’s had money probs due to folks taking advantage of him. i guess he is living way beneath his means if he is shopping at ralph’s and not gelson’s or whole foods.

    good for him.

    btw, reta is that weird casonia poster!

  27. Pit BuLL LOVER

    he gets more unattractive as he ages, to me…… i think all those years spent as a monk did something strange to his sense of now overblown self. + i hate those stupid hats he wears….he looks dumb in them….not his style…..
    give me the Suzanne days any time, now?
    not so much….
    the lic. plate is a dumb reference to the song I’m Your Man btw.when you are only allowed seven freaking letters it is beyond difficult to say what you want people to read…..been there, tried that….

    i will say he IS an Icon and great song writer…… i have a lot of his early LP’s.

  28. Strom

    Not a chance and that’s poorly phrased english anyway.

  29. nicky

    hello and strom are the same people ?

  30. hello

    Harpo,who dis woman!?!!?

    How in the world do women even get passed that teeth to even want to consider. How does the thought even get conjure up, from a women’s mind with his looks?!!? Is this the man jew look for the old ugly woman hag jews as their man of their dreams!?!?!?

  31. Indy

    Nina, I don’t know what this means either.

  32. susieserb

    Like prince Charles, dude gets better as he ages.

  33. Nina

    OK, maybe I’ve lived a sheltered life…what does this mean?

  34. cal

    Good for you Janet!

  35. Strom

    Yep…as mentioned many times before Len is a typical Yid and totally out there on the make. LA is the place for him where women will do anything for a shot at fame…so he scores plenty of Gentile pus and a fair amout of jewish, with the help of his little purple friend!