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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


LeAnn Rimes wants to wash that grey right out of Eddie Cibrian’s hair. Her 38 year old husband has started going grey and LeAnn, 29, isn’t thrilled at the prospect. His temples are grey and she’s encouraging him to get it touched up by a hairstylist. Now that Eddie’s show The Playboy Club has been cancelled LeAnn is convinced it will be good for his career too.

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  1. selene

    that is one ugly woman

  2. Hello

    I am really confused on how dumb bitches pay a man to be with them? Is his dick 12, 13 inches because that would be the only way to understand for this stupidity.

  3. palermo

    He now squints as much as she does

  4. Willow

    Both Eddie Cibrian and his wife need to get new PR people. The ones they have now seem to hate their guts as indicated in the awful choices they make in how they present themselves to the public. Her prolific TMI tweeting, her ignoring the delicate boundaries of being a step parent and their using his kids in staged photo op after staged photo op aren’t exactly making them a beloved couple. He needs a lot more than Just For Men to help his acting career. Since Leann foots the bill for everything, she should spring for acting lessons. The guy needs them as he can’t act to save his life.

  5. Indy

    Denise, yes, LOL. Both are rotten on the inside too.

  6. Denise

    Has anyone noticed that they’re starting to look alike?

  7. Muffin

    I think he has bigger things than grey hair to fix… like the public’s image of him!! Wasn’t he fired or should I say let go from CSI Miami? Who gets fired or let go from any CSI series? Somebody with an ego bigger than their brain that’s who!!

    Karma makes us all come to terms with our shortcomings!!

  8. palermo

    Neither one of them seems to like a thing about the other, what’s the point

  9. hollyweirdwhoreclub

    What do you expect from the superficial c*nts and aholes of the entertainment industry. Remember, it’s all about superficiality in hollyweird. If he really wants to make sure he maintains acting gigs, he needs to suck the cocks of the gay mafia that run hollyweird.

  10. yoyo

    Give it 6 months & no doubt, Eddie will want to get rid of her.

  11. Indy

    What did Eddie see in this squinty-eyed emaciated little mouse? His ex, Brandi Glanville, is much prettier. Eddie will cheat on LeAnn sooner or later; in fact Brandi claims he has come over to get the kids and she seduced him quite easily. Brandi is still very bitter and the kids must be hurting, too.

  12. forrest gump

    plastic surgeons are willing to make a special price for you both!!