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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


launchmylinecutMerle Ginsberg and Patrick McDonald are currently in friendly competition on the Bravo show “Launch My Line.” We want them BOTH to win! Merle is the best dressed fashion journalist we’ve ever encountered (If it’s HOT – she’s gotta have it!) She knows everything about designers and trends. Patrick has always been outrageously creative and brave in his fashion selections. Despite his imposing appearance, he’s a delightful personality. We’ve tried every trick in the book to get them both to leak who wins on the show – they’re SWORN to secrecy

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  1. MamaSan

    He is so faggoty (not a word) looking, that words don’t need to be said.

  2. dee cee

    Choose between intelligent warm brown eyes and lady understand what cuts look good on you and how to create any wardrobe built on those basics.
    and the circus has come to town Dr Who in wonderland Redux? Um.. 1

  3. pinkstar

    Never heard of them…

  4. E

    I think Merle is the most talented designer on the program.

    I enjoy watching Patrick, but you never know when (is it Roberto?) is going to sabotage him.

    I also like much of Louanna’s work.

    *So* glad they got rid of Jumpsuit Girl (Vanessa. Can’t stand her designs; and she’s never going to learn a thing.

  5. Reta

    I watch this show and think SHE has a much better chance of WINNING than HE does. Her designs so far have been innovative and definitely stand out in a crowd, in a GOOD way. HE seems to rely waaaay too much on his “expert” helper to do all the work and doesn’t add much himslef. I wouldn’t say HIS “line” was really HIS line, but really his HELPERS!

  6. Apres Ski

    OMG! I love what the each have on in these photos. How could I pick??? I would be a disaster at picking. LOL!