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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


LaToya Jackson, 60, is dressed to kill at a Beverly Hills fundraiser aimed at educating and preventing kids from getting involved in alcohol and drugs. She’s single again – LaToya called off her engagement to her business partner Jeffre Phillips in February. We haven’t seen them together since then, but LaToya says they’re still friends. Her sister Janet will be making LaToya an Aunt again very soon…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. golf

    who is willing?


  2. Edward Lozzi

    To ” Lady gaca”,

    To answer your question: She is the sister of Michael Jackson. Like all the other Jacksons a trained and talented singer, dancer and media personality for more than 40 years. She did not reach the stardom that her brother and sister Janet obtained, mainly due to poor choices with men who took over her life and businesses-to her detriment. You are being either being sarcastic (which is OK) or you are a Syrian immigrant with NO knowledge of American R&B and Motown culture. And then there is the possibility that you are just plain Stupid.—–

  3. lady gaca

    Who is this Woman?

  4. Edward Lozzi

    I spoke with LaToya Jackson last night, her table was near mine.It was immediately apparent right away that she was clear, open, and looking forward to the future. She looked as good as she feels… we wish er the best….