He may not LOOK like a great catch, But Larry David, 64, is considered one of the most eligible single men of a certain age in Hollywood. An amazingly successful writer and producer, David has tons of money and a sense of humor. After Larry and his wife split up, Martha Stewart was said to have harbored a crush on him, but nothing came of it. Now it appears he is sharing his jokes with an actress he met when she appeared on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” with him. Amy Landecker starred on The Paul Reiser Show last spring, but it was cancelled after two episodes. Larry brought Amy, 42, to the premier of this season’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” in July and according to Page 6, they have been seen together around New York and Los Angeles.
Friday, August 26, 2011
icon package
In my opinion it is obvious. I would not wish to develop this theme.
P.S. Please review icons
Strom has a relevant point regarding a GOSSIP site.
He does cut to the quick doesn’t he.
It makes some dogs yelp. The delicate ones.
As you say, I agree it is sick and nasty….amazing that Paris, J Lo, and Kim K went back to the well multiple times with men (usually black) who demanded it over and over in exchange for providing some amount of fame. Who is really the sicker and nastier of those couples for this: the providers or demanders?
Strom —- if you wrote it then it is probably inaccurate because you always write about someone having anal sex which is your obsession. are you wishing or fantasizing about it? just sad.
why do you use hurtful and cruel names to label people that are black or jewish (or other races) ? what compels someone do write something so mean spirited day after day
Its not about posters!
Please point out any inaccuracy.
‘descriptive license’
what a crock- – your answer to commenting is using a racial slur and something involving anal sex. that is your typical response.
“They call themselves much worse than I do
This is what I was talking about. You make stuff up to try and justify your cruelness toward people.
Give me examples.
They call themselves much worse than I do and they call others also much worse,… is simply descriptive license.
Mel, Strom and everybody else is entitled to their opinions.”
but does it have to be expressed in a hurtful, hateful and vulgar manner? are they not capable of or articulate enough to make a point without using vulgar racist language?
Bitch ass “Strom” disses Jews as ‘Yids’ and rides the jocks of blacks all the damn time (gay bbc lover, natch) & you people stay mum.
Racist trailer trash in denial as usual.
why does Strom have the need to say cruel and hateful things about blacks or jewish people? why doesn’t Janet omit the comments when they are cruel?
Cal is right!
Who is Storm?
I think Casonia and hollywoodwhoreclub
and Storm all live in the same cell at a state prison. Either that or one person with three or four personalities.
Mel, Strom and everybody else is entitled to their opinions.
Just because someone has a different view, so what – stop being so ethnocentric and get over yourself.
And don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.
Well Casonia, I suppose if Tommy threw Elisa under the bus with the Beef Wellingtons, at least she’d have something to eat.
Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen Tommy please speak up more!Elisa was trying to throw you under the Bus with the Beef Wellingtons and you really layed into her and..I Really like that action from you? Elisa you claim you never make the same mistake twic
Good luck with finding a relationship and hope things go well for you and hope you find some one who really likes you for you and really cares about you. Take care and..Best wishes.
Don’t be jealous that Larry is getting more putang than you are and that he doesn’t have to resort to raping his neighbor’s dog like you do.
And when is it only older Jewish men that are horny? Is Hugh Hefner Jewish? Is Jack Nicholson Jewish? Me thinks that just being a man makes you horny and the younger the pussy the better.
But I digress.
CYE is an acquired taste. Some of the episodes are drop dead funny, like the Palestinian Chicken episode. The last one where Larry competes with Rosie for Amy was pretty funny. But Amy does look a little bi if you ask me. If I had written the episode, I would have had Larry head hunt Rosie when he was pitching to her during softball.
Larry David & Leonard Cohen are both horny old jews who have a craving for as much pussy that can be ordered up, usually from middle aged jewish women who are happy to comply so long as swallowing is not required and they get at least a good meal and wine. Nothing new about that and at 42 Amy is no spring chick or prize winning beauty when the clothes and makeup is off. At least she has enough class not to be doing it with BLACK Puffy Combs or Reggie Bush!
Strom. LOL!
That’s sweet. She was born the year he graduated from college.
Enjoy the trip Melvin…..while the band plays “the enablers waltz”.
@pit buLL LOVER:
I bet that PETSMART have an aisle full of treats with Danger’s Name on it.
I wanna put on my dancing shoes!!
The judges were unheard of except (maybe) in some lands far,far away.
I haven’t watch that “practice makes perfect show” since Brandy lost out to Bristol Palin. One disgruntled watcher got so upset that he shot his TV when BP won over Brandy.
“dancing with the WANNABES AND HASBEENS”
Still laughing out loud. I can always appreciate the magic of unexpected comments that encourage a jolt of laughter.
Stay young *at heart, and you’ll Never grow old!!
@ Kris Humphries: Take out the papers and the trash, or you don’t get No spending cash. All kinds of disasters have been on the horizon since you tired the knot with the K’s!!
Mel Zipskin
You people give white folks a bad name, thats why I’m posting on TMZ-there are moderators.
Bitch ass “Strom” disses Jews as ‘Yids’ and rides the jocks of blacks all the damn time (gay bbc lover, natch) & you people stay mum.
Racist trailer trash in denial as usual. This goes for Janet as well.
forrest gump
is it because her vagina is “working”?
He is old enough to be her father!!! Gross.
O Leo: Danger and I are perfect. He has turned my world upside down ALL IN A GREAT WAY…just what the Dr. FeelGood ordered…. A BLESSING…a 77 pound raring to go one,but none the less…. Both Mother and Child are Ecstatic!!
and I must be OFF TOPIC to Spew forth
CHAZ BONO has signed on to be on one of the worst things on TV ever: Dancing with The WannaBe’s And HasBeens. Supposedly his partner will be female. or male…or fe or ma or
who gives a flying fart?? won’t be watching…this is turning into a Carnival not a dancing show…..which sucked when it was whatever it was before it morphed into whatever it is NOW or will be ….. OY!!!!
O BOY!!! Grab your LEASH!!!! WALKIES!!
Ditto what Hilary said. Any time I’ve seen him interviewed he appears to be channelling his CYE character. Or is that really him? Anyway, its not in any way attractive.
It is however very funny, in that annoying good Lord how could anyone sleep with that guy kind of way.
Good to see that at least he’s not going for the 20-year-old dumb blonde bimbos that Hugh Hefner prefers. She also resembles his ex-wife Laurie David…
Walt Cliff
Good to hear from you buddy. Hope you are going to be in a safe place this weekend. Looks like Irene is going to be a mess.
Stay Safe on the East Coast!!!
@ pit buLL LOVER
Greetings to you and your “new” baby, hope you are getting a few hours of shut eye between the feedings, and the Naps.
To one and all:
I am a diehard fan of Larry David. CYE is a “must watch” show for me. Dare I say it, love,love, love, love,love Larry David and his annoying Non-sense of agitating people. It’s all television, and one thing that I especially like about his character is the fact that for all of the wealth that he has, his character is a true tightwad. There are characterizations that he has that can Not be duplicated including getting into a verbal confrontation easily with everybody that he gets into a conversation with. I like that “crazy” run that he does. I love hearing Jeff’s wife Suzie exchanges with him (talk about a woman with a sailor’s tongue) and..
I think that Larry and Leon have a “street language relationship” that few interracial
friendships get to be seen through the eyes of entertainment. Leon’s street smarts leads Larry astray, while Larry seems to be accepting of trying to keep Leon on the right path, and out of trouble.
Thank you so much for the update on Larry David. He works and keep a low profile while continuing to collect millions from Seinfeld as co-creator and keeping people employed with the success of Curb your enthusiasm!!
Was I finished??
and did I say that I love this show??
@ all of my pen pals:
STAY YOUNG AND HEART, and stay safe during this weather crisis, and will stay in touch,
and as my good friend would say “keep thinking the good thoughts”. PEACE!!
Walt Cliff
My favorite Larry David Quote:
“This is a sad day for the Golden Globes. It is, however, quite a good day for Larry David. I suspect the wife will be a little forthcoming tonight. This is what I have to do for sex ”
(This was part of his speech after winning for best television comedy-Curb Your Enthusiasm.)
He’s double effing gross and not even funny. Didn’t his ex cheat on him with the Goracle?
Walt Cliff
He’s a clever writer and comedian. People either like him or they don’t. I do find it difficult to think of him being romantic with anyone. He’s not the warm & fuzzy type. 🙂
True and they both are yids. She has a very large mouth but while Larry is pounding her ass very often he has been unable to get her to give him any head as yet!
he is so annoying
all the money in the land can’t get over on annoying