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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Lance Bass was a surprise guest at Constantine’s album release party at Stereo in New York. Lance is turning into the “surprise guest” that everybody wants. We ran into him at Kathy Griffin’s Christmas soiree and his smiley face popped up in the movie “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” to the audience’s screaming delight. Apparently he and Constantine have been friends for awhile.

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  1. Anonymous

    how’s his cd doing?

  2. Anonymous

    constantine is just GROSS. He is so NOT hot

  3. Anonymous

    constantine is just GROSS. He is so NOT hot

  4. Anonymous

    If Lance is FUG, then Con is way beyond FUG. He totally creeps me out, yuck.

  5. Anonymous

    Constantine has a HUGE head.
    That’s because he has a huge ego.
    Cute couple-when’s the wedding?

  6. Anonymous

    No, sorry Lance is totally FUG.

  7. lookwhaticando

    Lance is wonderful, Not the most handsome guy in the world, but not fug either

  8. Anonymous

    Lance Bass going into Broadway’s “Hairspray” as Corny Collins.

  9. Anonymous

    Golly, you didn’t include what they had for lunch?!!!

  10. Anonymous

    Damn – Constantine could use his forehead as a billboard to promote his CD! It keeps getting bigger by the day, along with his ego.

  11. gerard Vandenberg

    When I witness your more than SICK making face with that disgusting smile on your face, I instantly lose appetite because of throwing up/vomit!!

  12. Anonymous

    Constantine’s new CD is really good! I like all but one song on it. Constantine has a great voice and doesn’t miss a note.
    Lance probably would like to have his way with Constantine. 🙂
    Constantine is hot!

  13. Anonymous

    I listened to Constantines album on AOL. Every song on there was great. I loved it.

  14. Anonymous

    The Basses are from the burbs of Jackson, Mississippi.

  15. Anonymous

    That forehead is NOT hot!

  16. Anonymous

    Constantine is a HOTTIE! His CD is great, take Lance’s advice and buy it you won’t be disappointed!

  17. Anonymous

    Constantine has a HUGE head.

  18. boater

    Kathy Griffin is a transexual.

  19. Anonymous

    Piggly Wiggly… Hey did you know that chain was started in Memphis…
    I wonder does Lance have a twin brother that works in Jackson, TN as a chef ?
    Where are those Basses from ? Justin Timberlake is from a suburb of Memphis.

  20. Anonymous

    Aww! I love Lance. I think his eyes look weird because they’re too big for his face, but he’s still adorable. Constantine looks slimey, though.

  21. Anonymous

    There is something very creepy about Lance Bass. He also looks like a complete bore.

  22. Anonymous

    There’s something very unsettling about Lance Bass’s eyes. They freak me out. He’s not attractive, just because of his freaky eyes. Constantine is too smarmy to be considered good looking.

  23. Anonymous

    lance is so creepy looking, why would anyone want him around. and this is not because he is gay, because I know most of the hott guys in hollywood are gay.

  24. busy bee

    two goodlooking chaps.