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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Before Caitlyn Jenner there was Lana Wachowski. Lana, 50, is the first major Hollywood director to come out as transgender. Lana and her brother Andy Wachowski are responsible for the Matrix film franchise and much more. We find Lana fascinating because she is so atypical. Instead of glamming up with tons of hair and makeup and cleavage, she chooses to look more like a funky pop star or eccentric Diane Keaton type. She is WAY more imaginative than most transwomen – hence the bright colored dreadlocks. Marc Jacobs was inspired to feature her prominently in his Spring 2016 campaign.

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  1. Strom

    The jealous little Heel Napper seems to be running around barking again. Maybe he should chase after “Lana” instead!

  2. Strom

    This picture seems to have been touched up a lot. Others show “LANA” looking much more tarnished!

  3. Strom

    Poor Jake, seems ready to enable perverts like “Lana”. Just a gay in a dress….and always ready to prove it!

  4. Jake

    Geez. Most of these posters need to shut the f*ck up. Pure ignorance. Always bashing hiding behind their computers. They’ve got to be extremely miserable people.

  5. Strom

    Poor libby… are the one who needs educating..maybe you were called out!

    Most of these are just gay men in a dress and wig…always ready to bend over. Giving them a separate “handle” just gives them some credence that they don’t deserve.

  6. libby

    strom is disgusting…gay is not the same as transgender…if you are going post about this, try educating yourself first so you don’t look like an idiot

  7. Management

    Oh yes, the orchiectomy was a riot.

  8. don quichotte

    ripe for the madhouse together with bruce jenner, these FCKING idiots!!

  9. amelia

    Wow! She looks fierce and so very happy in her skin. A lesson for Caitlyn, perhaps. Well done, Lana!!! You be you.

  10. susieserb


  11. Bluejay

    Classy looking person. Maybe someone will come up with a name, other than man or woman, for all the “She’s” and “He’s” who identify differently.

    Like Bruce Jenner is not a woman, never will be. All he experienced was white male privilege, and still does.

  12. Bucky M

    Love the Matrix !

  13. Palermo

    Why does the media in 2015/16 want the world to think every third person is transgender and that it’s natural

  14. Strom

    Another gay in a dress….little Angelo is squealing!

  15. xyzc

    The reality is just the opposite