Khloe Kardashian has not endeared herself to the other Laker wives. When she arrived for her first game as Mrs Lamar Odom she was appalled when she wasn’t assigned courtside seats. She had to be calmed down and informed that NONE of the players families have courtside seats- they are taken by celebrities and millionaires. Khloe’s mother Chris is her “manager” and every time she wants something she can be heard ordering Chris around. When Khloe noticed that Vanessa Bryant had several bodyguards who even accompanied her to the bathroom, she could be heard screaming at Chris “Why don’t I have bodyguards!” Khloe doesn’t understand the game or the pecking order of the wives. (Kobe Bryant is a VERY valuable player.) Other wives have been looking askance at Khloe, and haven’t welcomed her into their circle.
Khloe has to have a different father than the rest of the clan. She’s an amazon while the other girls are small, even the ones Kris and Bruce have together. What gives?
What a bunch of morons these people are! Their father was on the OJ legal team and the mother divorced him to marry Bruce Jenner who at one time was an American Legend with his swimming but after 30 years he has had bad plastic surgery and this “wife” Kris is a really bad mother. She may love her daughters but she has spoiled them beyond believe. Kloe makes Paris Hilton look normal. She is obviously a self centered, selfish, ugly spoiled child and her marriage won’t last anyway. Is Las Vegas taking bets on when they separate?
Bettye Bluejay
That’s right! Call in the biggest dude Exorcist to fix these people!
The devil, aka Satan, Beelzebub, the destroyer, has sure got his hooks in all this clan. They need exorcisms.
chi chi
If she only would go back to wrestling she’d get the kudos she deserves, please Chyna, WWE needs you.
Bettye Bluejay
Bruce, you are funny!
I don’t have cable,so not bombarded by them. Bruce Jenner used to be an Olympic athlete, now he’s just a joke.
He’s just as bad. I couldn’t believe that he made no effort to socialize with Khloe’s family or get to know them. The guy has no social skills.
E! really think they have something special with this group of no talent, no morals group of losers. The whole family are a symbol for what is wrong with our culture today. They are a joke. What’s so funny is that they do not realize we are laughing at them, not with them.
Khloe needs to have the same procedure her mom Kris just had. Maybe it will soften her manly features.
Khloe looks like such a dude. She can’t have the same dad as the other girls. She’s OJ’s child.
The Kartrashians are morally bankrupt.
Kim’s sex tape will live on forever via the internet. I wonder if she ever thought about how she’s going to feel when her future kids view her sex tape and say eeeww! my moms such a slore!
Everytime I hear Kartrashian, I see Kim with a big fat black one in her mouth. Real classy.
The mother is a money hungry mess. All she thinks about is money. She encourages these girls to act like this. She should be focused on her younger girls and let the grown ones be. Her priorities are so wrong. I hope Bruce takes his kids and leaves. Too bad money doesn’t buy class and morals. I’ll be glad when their 15 minutes are up!
I wish publicity people would stop giving these idiots space, like you, Janet. Enough with all of these reality stars, Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston, Carrie Prejean, Balloon Boy, I could care less about any of ’em. I’d rather see features or interviews on older stars who don’t get p.r. At least they were famous because they had talent.
susan smith
I wish she would not go to the games so the Lakers can win this season and go to the finals.
Khloe – You get your own bodyguards.
Thank Goodness they DON’T have court side seats…
They are all people that have had their 15 mins of Fame and shouldn’t be on TV anymore.
Also Lamar & Khloe are not offically married yet. It was for the TV show.
I wish the entire family would vanish from the public eye. To think that Bruce was once an Olympic athlete. The entire family is the lowest of the low, and why any of them are on television is beyond me. Pure trash. I’ll bet Robert Kardashian is rolling in his grave.
I really try not to judge anyone, especially someone I don’t know. But. From everything I have seen and heard, Khloe Kardashian Odom is a complete idiot. She was too stupid to realize she couldn’t have drugs on her person at the radio station she works for in Miami. Now she throws a tantrum because she doesn’t have a bodyguard? Please! She’s exactly like a trainwreck, I just cannot look away. And her complete lack of sense never fails to amaze me.
Khloe’s smile looks like a dog snarling.
dee cee
Remember, be gracious and supportative; it’s about the game and your hubby being happy and focused on playing honey or you are so dumped, scorned and rejected by a lot of people now.
Who are these people?
L'il Off Broadway
PS: Forgot to add: Bruce Jenner’s surgery is so bad, it makes Priscilla Presley’s doctors look brilliant.
L'il Off Broadway
All the “K” clan are superbly stupid, vapid, low-class, and vulgar. Hopefully Lamar and Khloe were thoroughly tested for diseases. Any fool that messes with any of the “K’s” are surely at risk for the little gift that keeps on giving. Who will file for divorce first, Lamar or Khloe? The many groupies that hang around Lamar will not bother Khloe, because she is too dumb to know anything. These must be the last days.
is she really a wife? I thought the ceremony was a fake for TV ratings because they hadn’t settled on a prenup yet !!! I read that on E! They said they would get around to having another ceremony when the prenyup was settled in the near future!! Why bother…they are just going to split up eventually anyway!!!
Um, Janet, do you even know why all of the these skanks’ names start with the letter “K”? Because their mother’s name does, too. It’s KRIS, not CHRIS.
captain america
believe me:
…………THIS IS A CHEATER, folks!!
These idiots! They think anyone outside of LA gives a rat’s ass about them and how many bodyguards they have and what they wear to the game, and how big their diamonds are, etc. LA is so isolated from the rest of the world, they can’t even imagine that other people in the country are actually thinking of Iraq, Afghanistan, putting food on the table, etc. What losers!
“By right
On November 17, 2009 at
Let me help them out. The entire group of kardashians are bottom feeders. The women are phony beasts. Kim rose by hanging with paris. Then being urinated on. The rest of the sisters climbed kims hippo sized a$$. This family sets new standards of staging phony situations, so the women can be gold diggers. They are pathetic, right up to (and including) the mother chris.”
Let me help them out. The entire group of kardashians are bottom feeders. The women are phony beasts. Kim rose by hanging with paris. Then being urinated on. The rest of the sisters climbed kims hippo sized a$$. This family sets new standards of staging phony situations, so the women can be gold diggers. They are pathetic, right up to (and including) the mother chris.
Stomping your huge foot on the ground and yelling for attention will get you nowhere fast. This cow should know that by now!