Lady Gaga aims to please. She’s certainly one of the hardest working performers we know of and deserves to have some fun of her own. She and her on-again off-again boyfriend Luc Carl split this summer and she hasn’t been seen in the company of any guys until now. Gaga, 25, was spotted with Taylor Kinney, 30, the hunk from her video “You And I” (above) in his hometown of Mission Viejo, California. They spent three days dressed down, trying not to attract attention while looking affectionate in local places. Lady Gaga needs love too.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mary Claire
Janet…..Why would you delete my comment? It was not offensive in any way. You allow a scumbag one note racist to make endless hateful comments,but to respond to it with an honest opinion is verboten? No profanity was used,no threats,just an opinion. Why can anyone else go much farther in their comments and I am the one deleted? Not fair. Buh bye.
Casonia...I really love the fact that Will and Paul are strong and Jennifer is a close minute behind them but her down fall is not liking italian food and every one in the world loves that and if she hates that type of food..Meaning she is not going to be
Good Patrick your going to leave me alone and mind your own Business great..Thank you and Lady Ga Ga has to do what her heart tells her to do and you ever heard everything thats old is new again and her music is there to dance to?
Your right Casonia!
I’m history.
Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!
Dear Hate Group of Casonia can you just treat me like!I am not here and…This music makes me want to get up and Dance and…The world may assume but in life your just making an ass out of yourself.
Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!
Why can’t you Bug-A-Boo just leave me the Hell alone and Act like I am not here and Lady,Lovely,Lusty,Lady Ga Ga has massive strong singing skills.
Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!
I Love lady Ga ga girl and she is nice… Big Deal….I talk and talk and I have to say guys…What is wrong with you and why are you trying to control me… Slave hood is over and control.I love Hell kitchen too and I always have something to say about them.
They’re, there, their, Nicky deer.
No need to yell.
ps) just so you know— humourous or humorous are both correct spellings
By Patrick
On September 9, 2011 at
O.K. Casonia I will enore you. And just so you know I will flubbily noodify you as well.
Lady GagGag is beyond gross and has somehow made a career out of ripping off the equally gross Madonna and anybody else she can think of.
Casonia! It’s “IGNORE” not, enore.
You illititerate NUT!
I and do go too medicate self, thank you.
casonia logenberry and Hells kitchen is fun to watch and I Love Chef Gordon Ramsay Drama on the show and sooner or later he is going to get sick and tired of a person who will not learn and understand and frustration is key to blowing up and losing it!
Patrick my dear go take your medication and enore me and stop telling me what to do and Lady GA GA IS GREAT AND THIS WOMAN CAN REALLY DANCE AND HAS SOUL!
Good fuckin lord, Janet?!
Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen pass winners should have rocked the Hell out of the show..Ben looked very sexy and in wonderful shape..He slim down? Tennile was talking about body bags and Trevor Bragged on being Relaxed and Calm and sweet little Jilli
Dear Nicky, Thanks for understanding and letting me be myself. Patrick things bother you and people get on your last good nerve…But people are not going to change for you? I have a right to speak my mind or share a part of my mind and thoughs and feelings and you want me to close up and not share apart of myself and my life has nothing to do with you and…. You can tune me out and enore every word…That is said on here and act like there is nothing but a blank page in front of you…Lady Ga Ga should do the movie about Winehouse!
Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen pass winners should have rocked the Hell out of the show..Ben looked very sexy and in wonderful shape..He slim down? Tennile was talking about body bags and Trevor Bragged on being Relaxed and Calm and sweet little Jilli
Love Lady Ga Ga for many reasons…When I Listen to her music it has soul and spice and some Disco mixed in it along the way.
Casonia Logenberry...Hells kitchen pass winners should have rocked the Hell out of the show..Ben looked very sexy and in wonderful shape..He slim down? Tennile was talking about body bags and Trevor Bragged on being Relaxed and Calm and sweet little Jilli
Goody to all who hate me on this blog…I say what I Say because I Have something to say and we all have ideas and have feelings and we are just placing are feelings and thoughs and ideas on the table.
Not a bad snag Gaga!!
Fill your boots Nicky.?????????????????????
LMAO Patrick!
O.K. Casonia I will enore you. And just so you know I will flubbily noodify you as well.
Fill your boots Nicky.?????????????????????
Fill your boots Nicky.
O.K. Casonia I will enore you. And just so you know I will flubbily noodify you as well.
Casonia, i have given you a bit of hard time in the past and I would like for you to forgive me for that. you are just being a happy person and sharing your good natured with everybody.
I think most people are actually nice but sometimes people don’t know how to act when someone is genuinely kind.
there is nothing wrong with saying kind things about people. you should inspire us all. i know you have me.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
I am going to be me and if you don’t like it Patrick enore me and…Pass on by and…I want to say Thank you Nicky very much for being nice and kind and lets go with Lady Ga Ga she is not closed minded and she is open to new ideas and trying out new hair and she is like no other person in this world.
Casonia Logenberry is # 1
Casonia Logenberry Rules!!
Go Casonia !!!! Don’t let people hold you back! Tell it like it is honey!!!
Loganberry! Give us a break will ya.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
You really busted your ass and really moved your ass and creative and really moving and romantic to some degree and…All your fantasties where meant to show, How open minded and open to clothing is truely out of this world and like no other.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
This Video was major sexy and the cloths where like no other in the world and you playing a man in this video was very creative and really moving and the way you dance is like a stripper and the moves you made where very sexy and…I do love everything about this.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
Your smart and Beautiful and very strong and most of all open minded and ready to create and show many parts of your personality and…Your use of colors and those major high ass heels where really crazy and massive big and…No wonder you did not fall over in those shows but the colors are amazing.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
You are such a powerful woman and so creative and your all woman and can change at a drop of the hat.
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
Lovely Lady Ga Ga..Sweet Heart your so willing to put every thing on the table and open your mind and Soul up for new ideas.
Freak Show
Casonia Logenberry.. Hells kitchen, Jennifer keep it together and double check all your food from know on and..I really can't believe it? Your not crazy about italian food? That is a real problem down the road..Most people love things prepared with Tomato
Lady Ga Ga Honey this man is smoking Hot and sexy as hell and..He is very lucky to get the chance to work with you in a Vidio..It is going to set his career on Fire.
Poor guy must be desperate for fame.
Like Jessica Biel, Gaga is buck-toothed. W
Can’t stomach the Gag Lady….don’t get her appeal at all.
She actually looks decent except for the steel plated nipples on her jacket.
Who could blame her. He’s a cutie.
forrest gump
all together:
One Two Three: DROP DEAD FRED!!!