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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Lady Gaga is turning into a Malibu beach bunny. She’s walking around in skimpy shorts and a tank top with no makeup and looks perfectly happy as an ordinary person. Well not quite. She’s hanging out with her new best friend Bradley Cooper, who talked her into starring with him in a remake of “A Star is Born” and HE is directing. It’s rumored that Beyonce was up for the role, but she wanted too much money so Gaga stepped in. Gaga will play a young up and coming performer and Bradley is the older actor who helps her out while his own career is fading. Isn’t this the fourth remake of this movie?
(Above, Gaga and Bradley shopped in Malibu at the Vintage market)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Swami

    Credit where it’s due: Bradley’s tits look PHENOMENAL. 😀 (Where’s the smiley with its tongue hanging out when you need one?)

    Gag-us is gonna have to try WAY harder if she wants anyone to notice she’s even in the frame.

  2. Walter Cliff

    Being a home team player, he was looking or someone masculine to hang with.

  3. Daggers


    Medant to say..IF not all.

  4. Daggers

    Another dude, Taylor Kinney, has said adios to Gaga. Now she is with lady-killer pretty boy, Mr. Cooper. It won’t be long before she is just another notch on his bedpost. Watch for it. PS: Most all, of not all, in GollyWood is totally F’d-up in the head.

  5. wowsers

    Nothing could ever be better than the Streisand /Kristoferson version. That.Was.Epic.

  6. Kitty

    I’ll pass.

  7. Stranger Danger

    Gaga is a far better choice than Beyoncé, but this movie seems destined for failure.

  8. Jeez louise

    I like GAGA but this movie sounds like a disaster. She should stick to music.

  9. mary contrary

    Caca is fraudulent woman, steal others act

  10. kait

    She’s a much better choice than B

  11. earthfark

    the new comedy arrived in tinsel town, hahahahahahahahahahaha