Kanye West’s big mouth is NOT increasing his popularity. He’s currently featured with Lady GaGa on her Fame Kills tour and it started out as a 50-50 deal, but his name has been taken off ads and marketing although he IS still performing. Kanye HAS been talking about “taking a vacation” so maybe he won’t do the entire tour – especially since GaGa has proved she can hold her own. Insiders believe that his name was removed because he turns too many people OFF.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hear, hear!
I wouldn’t go see either of them if I were PAID to. She BORES me and HE is just an imbecile.
I wish that were true but its not
dee cee
I wouldn’t go see GAGA if you paid me tax free thousands a hour; but please.. let idiotic Kanye perform, and rant and brag himself naked and foolish into a corner and let him figure out why all the people are jeering and laughing at his antics all by himself. It’s the only way he will understand.
Frodo: You forgot to add “no talent”.
captain america
be honest: WHO NEEDS A BLACK DROOPY, folks?
I think these two should hire themselves a blind limo driver, get in, shove Adam Lambert in the trunk, and drive over a cliff. KaPOWWWW, a massive explosion of make up, gayness, glitter, crusty spandex crotches and self-entitlement.
That sound you just heard was Kanye’s career hitting the ground like a safe. LMAO! Now if only he’d take GaGa, Shitney, Beyonce and Ashton Kutcher with him.
LOL, I was just looking at tickets to GaGa yesterday but I did not want to waste money on him so I did not buy.