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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’ve got a secret romance brewing backstage on the set of So You Think You Can Dance and it’s quite a surprise! Lacey Schwimmer (who happens to be David Schwimmer’s cousin) is a finalist, but her boyfriend has already been eliminated. Lacey,19, and Hok Konishi, 22, the sexy Japanese guy with the English accent, a now a very hot item. They were seen walking in The Grove mall (which is right next door to CBS where they film) holding hands and very involved with each other. Hok only survived to the final 20 on the show, but he ended up getting the girl.

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  1. likestodance

    i have been watching “So You Think You Can Dance” since the get-go.
    Benji won the contest last year.
    His sister Lacey is good but Sabra is better.
    And the boys are terrific this year. Neil, Danny, Pasha.
    I did not know that they were related in ANY WAY to David Schwimmer of “Friends” fame.
    There is also a pretty cousin “Heidi” who was on the show last year and was better than Lacey! she should have won, in my opinion.
    But Hok is hot, and that accent is awesome!
    Go Hok!
    He’s a good dancer too, but more of break dancing.
    He was on last year but could not make it to any finals because of his Visa? or Green Card? something like that.
    Glad he made it this year!

  2. kellygrrrl

    Her brother Benji absolutely deserved to win last year. His technique coupled with the personality that shines through is just so fun!!!!!!!
    She does not have the personality
    She will not win this.
    She’ll come in 3rd, IMHO

  3. kellygrrrl

    HOK is the hotness!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lacey would be lucky to have him.
    I think half the dancers on that show were hot for him (guys and girls.)
    That said,
    Danny is technically one of the best dancers i have ever seen in my life, and he should win this hands-down – if it were judged by pro’s. But it’s like American idol – a lot of popularity contest.
    BUT I really want Sabra to win. She is so beautiful and seems so full of love and passion and soul

  4. Anonymous

    I bet that he is tapping that young ass hard and often!

  5. Anonymous

    She’s prettier than David. Thank goodness that ugly gene pool was enlived and the ugly part stopped.

  6. Anonymous

    She’s prettier than David. Thank goodness that ugly gene pool was elived and the ugly stopped.

  7. Anonymous

    wow, that doesn’t even look like her….weird picture. I liked Hok, but she’s not my favorite – hope she doesn’t win!! Her brother wins last year, she wins this year? and they are David Schwimmers cousins?…I don’t like it. I want a ‘contest’ to be more random than that.

  8. Anonymous

    Janet, we need Jessica Alba herpes stories. Maybe a flowchart to show all the guys who have porked her, that are now herped up.

  9. Anonymous

    She must be into Bukkake.