#latoyajackson #parisjackson #janetcharlton

La Toya Jackson knows how to get top dollar for personal appearance gigs – bring Michael’s kids along for the ride! She schlepped Prince, Paris, and Blanket to Beverly Hills for the Mr Pink Ginseng Drink party (whatever THAT is) and they created quite a stir. La Toya’s bound to get a lot of party invites in the future. Paris seems to enjoy the limelight while Blanket, as usual, looks a bit annoyed…

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  1. Paris is the star,and the reminder will fall into the Jackson family twilight zone, only to be heard from in times of family crisis.

  2. my worst fear. And it’s only going to get worse. Away, La Toya, away!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. no no no, don’t get her wrong.

    …………..ONLY PARIS IS, folks!!

  4. Paris seems to have already obtained a great amount of worldliness, as she has a very mature air about her to be only age 14. Prince is struggling still with grief and is trying hard to grow up. Blanket is obviously still grieving and he is somewhat a mystery, always having a worried look. But in this picture, what is most outstanding is: LATOYA’S UNSPEAKABLY HIDEOUS MESS OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY.

  5. Toya seems genuine in her love of these kids whereas Janet showed her greed early on.

  6. I have never seen a single picture of “Blanket” with a smile on his face. He needs some sort of counselling

  7. being the youngest, maybe it has affected blanet more than the other 2….latoya’s face!~!!!!

    that drink has ginseng and b vitamins and no caffiene…they said it was healty energy drink so I looked it up.

  8. @Chris, I disagree. I think Janet actually got this one right with the headline. She knows these kids will always be money makers and she is dragging them out wherever she can. For an energy drink? They are better than that. Lohan was there for lord’s sake. This, in my opinion, is to get her mug on camera and try to find a job.

  9. Just the tip of the iceberg. Soon the BLACK Jack’s will find out a way to have Paris bred within the crowd to insure the $$$ stays.

    Run away as fast and as far as you can!

  10. She can’t generate buzz on her own anymore so she drags these kids out for effect. They should be protected from exploitation by their aunts and family.

  11. Run Paris Run.

    Soon the BLACK Jack’s will find out a way to have her bred within the crowd to insure the $$$ stays!

  12. They’re not Michael’s kids. How long are they going to keep this ridiculous farce? They’re not even black, none of them

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