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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Winning or losing, LA Lakers games wouldn’t be the same without actress Dyan Cannon, 80, in her front row seat. In fact, she’s only missed a few games in the last thirty-something years. Dyan is best remembered for marrying 33 years older Cary Grant (1965 to 1968 – their daughter is Jennifer Grant) and her sexy comedy from 1969, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. It’s been a few years, but it’s nice to see that she looks great and still has all that curly blonde hair

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Diva

    No way it’s all her real hair, sorry Janet

  2. BBW

    Well, anyone with enough money and a really good plastic surgeon can look good at her age. Witness Jane Fonda, who’s just a few years younger. The work done on her is absolutely
    flawless; her overall look has never changed.

  3. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Diyhannne is channeling the late Helen “Girley” Brown’s mantra of eternal girlhood–which at EIGHTY must be exhausting.

    To her credit, she’s managing a death-grip on her tracking device that would do any instagram-mad 20 year old proud. 😀

  4. beachy

    I always liked her. She was funny in Heaven Can Wait. She was….and is a pretty lady, however, that’s not her real hair. Duh.

  5. brake

    still trying to be someone is pretty sad though.

  6. sheila

    She had a big following in the 1900’s?